View Player Profile

Wayne, Michigan

Current OFFICIAL Rank: 652
Calculated Points: 2.90

Best OFFICIAL Rank: 203

  • Week: 2022-01
Rank Counted Points Event Name Event Date Weeks Ago Place Place Points Event Worth Points Before Deg. Points Now
1 1.00 Discraft's Oakland County Championship 2022-10-02 81 10 15.00 2.55 3.80 1.00
2 0.80 River City Open presented by Discraft - Pro 2022-07-17 92 31 5.30 10.80 5.70 0.80
4 0.40 The Patriot - MPO, MA40, MA60, MA3, MA4, FA1-4 2023-05-14 49 2 60.00 0.10 0.60 0.40
3 0.40 Discraft 2022 CCR Open Fueled By Great Lakes Disc 2022-08-07 89 19 9.40 2.40 2.30 0.40
5 0.10 The Hyzernaut Open - All Other Divisions 2022-08-28 86 5 22.00 0.30 0.70 0.10
7 0.10 Renaissance City Open 2022-07-10 93 1 100.00 0.05 0.50 0.10
6 0.10 Lower Peninsula Open - Driven by Innova 2022-05-08 102 11 14.00 1.45 2.00 0.10
8 0.00 Discraft and WCGlow Present the Wolf Pack Disc Open an MDGO ... 2022-04-30 103 7 18.00 0.60 1.10 0.00
9 0.00 Pineapple Punch Open 2022-04-23 104 16 10.60 1.45 1.50 0.00
StatMando Rankings & Standings depend on TD reports and check for updates periodically from Sunday night through midweek.