StatMando Monday

From Monday 2025-03-24 to Sunday 2025-03-30, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2025-03-24
(click to change weeks)
(5,828 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2025-03-31 00:30 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 82 925 1,797 $45,593 92,477 952
FPO 25 72 135 $5,509 9,324 876
MP40 44 292 532 $5,145 31,277 913
MP50 30 132 255 $3,166 14,481 904
FP40 7 22 43 $506 2,818 819
FP50 3 6 12 $25 1,025 756
MP60 17 40 72 $735 4,379 884
FP60 2 2 4 $27 266 767
MP65 1 4 6 $50 418 888
MP70 2 5 10 $140 568 853
MA1 85 848 1,634 $0 75,788 910
FA1 25 61 119 $0 7,715 800
MA2 80 814 1,435 $0 83,962 888
FA2 20 39 77 $0 4,746 789
MA3 76 1,062 1,922 $0 113,694 852
FA3 27 56 104 $0 7,423 719

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 4 172 295 $0 15,884 2
Alberta 2 101 169 $61 10,378 11
Arizona 3 65 221 $0 0 4
Arkansas 1 64 127 $22,800 11,797 38
British Columbia 2 92 222 $460 9,124 5
California 2 90 184 $0 10,998 2
Colorado 2 217 296 $0 16,454 17
Delaware 1 45 92 $0 6,331 2
Florida 4 230 381 $836 23,538 0
Georgia 2 123 191 $1,216 4,532 1
Idaho 1 84 167 $0 10,921 4
Illinois 1 82 162 $275 11,541 1
Indiana 3 219 376 $2,702 28,057 9
Iowa 2 142 212 $180 12,483 7
Kansas 2 154 308 $560 19,984 2
Kentucky 2 114 229 $5,739 14,688 15
Massachusetts 1 114 114 $332 7,450 5
Michigan 4 256 509 $1,124 29,028 14
Minnesota 1 99 196 $827 12,564 2
Missouri 3 259 420 $3,516 25,609 16
Montana 1 73 143 $0 9,472 4
Nebraska 1 70 141 $660 9,917 3
Nevada 1 21 21 $190 1,268 0
New Jersey 2 126 252 $592 15,783 2
New Mexico 1 21 44 $225 2,646 0
New York 3 227 373 $5,329 25,118 21
North Carolina 5 225 534 $128 13,295 18
Ohio 2 159 318 $390 21,072 7
Oklahoma 2 188 376 $3,291 24,302 15
Ontario 1 93 184 $0 11,744 4
Oregon 4 257 514 $1,968 30,649 19
Pennsylvania 1 90 177 $828 11,541 2
South Carolina 2 106 251 $0 7,433 3
Tennessee 4 275 403 $2,232 23,606 5
Texas 9 341 558 $3,514 30,864 14
Utah 1 49 96 $629 5,774 1
Virginia 2 75 150 $0 10,270 2
Washington 1 57 113 $0 6,654 6
Wisconsin 1 148 148 $140 9,309 2
Wyoming 1 52 104 $0 7,183 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 21 71 $0 0 0
Canada 5 286 575 $521 31,246 20
Colombia 1 31 96 $0 5,542 0
Finland 1 31 59 $286 3,985 2
Germany 1 32 64 $0 3,394 2
Lithuania 1 86 173 $0 13,579 0
Netherlands 1 65 131 $0 8,321 1
Norway 1 67 136 $0 7,833 0
Philippines 1 32 64 $0 3,427 1
Sweden 3 155 309 $381 18,977 3
Uganda 1 15 15 $0 794 0
United Kingdom 1 23 48 $77 3,108 0
United States 83 5,089 9,196 $60,223 528,015 265