StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-03-11 to Sunday 2024-03-17, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-03-11
(click to change weeks)
(10,541 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-03-24 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 128 1,712 3,497 $119,894 184,707 950
FPO 52 185 422 $33,827 27,614 871
MP40 85 579 1,202 $26,112 70,540 919
MP50 44 214 467 $11,505 27,078 915
FP40 12 24 54 $1,173 4,185 805
FP50 4 5 10 $370 714 829
MP55 1 1 2 $80 135 870
MP60 16 59 132 $4,435 9,449 904
FP60 1 1 2 $52 117 815
MP65 1 1 2 $0 145 823
FP65 1 1 2 $43 136 748
MP70 3 6 13 $438 895 859
MA1 130 1,807 3,358 $0 162,235 909
FA1 57 144 259 $0 17,211 808
MA2 128 1,720 3,347 $0 187,140 887
FA2 42 104 184 $0 13,183 742
MA3 129 1,986 3,662 $0 202,157 850
FA3 46 115 223 $0 14,701 705

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 5 263 403 $1,408 18,298 8
Arizona 3 148 405 $0 5,594 3
Arkansas 3 157 160 $228 9,379 0
California 6 623 1,405 $34,641 77,668 83
Colorado 2 168 233 $1,008 9,850 4
Connecticut 1 72 145 $335 8,599 0
Delaware 1 58 116 $940 8,429 4
Florida 8 542 1,081 $1,327 65,037 8
Georgia 5 349 767 $1,454 46,974 8
Hawaii 2 79 215 $4,514 14,753 6
Illinois 3 283 397 $885 26,189 5
Indiana 4 222 441 $490 28,910 9
Iowa 1 121 122 $532 6,931 1
Kansas 3 209 342 $2,035 20,696 9
Kentucky 4 177 353 $654 19,645 4
Louisiana 1 62 281 $0 0 5
Massachusetts 3 161 334 $5,350 17,504 16
Michigan 5 377 753 $5,570 46,776 19
Minnesota 1 99 200 $616 13,358 2
Missouri 6 431 605 $1,945 36,087 7
Nebraska 1 87 260 $2,851 17,541 4
Nevada 1 57 58 $209 3,737 1
New Jersey 2 159 319 $1,147 19,500 0
New Mexico 1 95 280 $4,970 19,092 14
North Carolina 7 712 1,229 $2,043 28,817 27
Ohio 4 302 710 $512 31,131 10
Oklahoma 3 233 629 $6,140 39,550 24
Ontario 2 173 344 $0 27,149 6
Oregon 5 278 555 $3,277 34,840 24
Pennsylvania 6 461 851 $4,535 55,914 19
South Carolina 6 419 878 $890 33,620 6
Tennessee 4 359 599 $2,919 39,992 9
Texas 12 710 1,198 $91,597 73,321 258
Utah 1 54 165 $290 6,136 3
Virginia 6 460 677 $2,272 45,026 17
Washington 3 162 361 $1,847 16,384 10
West Virginia 2 109 149 $144 7,454 0
Wisconsin 1 177 349 $4,290 21,196 8

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 107 250 $1,277 21,041 3
Austria 1 75 149 $0 10,270 4
Canada 2 173 344 $0 27,149 6
Croatia 1 17 36 $0 1,836 0
Czech Republic 1 33 33 $0 4,063 0
Denmark 1 96 188 $766 13,239 6
Finland 2 84 96 $77 5,301 0
France 4 103 209 $0 12,986 1
Germany 3 149 296 $0 17,637 5
Italy 1 56 118 $0 6,911 0
Mexico 2 43 62 $0 3,892 0
Netherlands 2 124 250 $0 13,995 0
New Zealand 1 78 236 $0 21,102 0
Norway 1 113 226 $1,008 14,838 0
Poland 1 56 114 $0 7,263 0
Singapore 1 34 49 $390 3,468 0
Slovakia 1 38 115 $0 5,021 4
South Africa 1 11 23 $0 1,295 0
Spain 3 61 169 $0 2,900 1
Sweden 3 230 413 $0 26,726 0
United Kingdom 2 106 300 $546 16,170 7
United States 132 9,435 18,025 $193,865 973,928 635