StatMando Monday

From Monday 2019-07-15 to Sunday 2019-07-21, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2019-07-15
(click to change weeks)
(4,898 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:02 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 78 1,251 2,945 $107,742 179,995 957
FPO 30 118 327 $11,343 23,142 855
MP40 38 264 575 $18,112 38,375 934
MP50 22 124 305 $8,356 20,642 929
FP40 2 5 13 $456 1,228 842
MP55 3 11 33 $1,325 2,075 906
MP60 9 35 93 $1,625 6,943 903
FP60 1 1 2 $54 141 894
MP70 1 1 2 $1 128 908
MA1 70 836 1,711 $0 111,515 919
FA1 25 49 92 $0 7,413 799
MA2 68 900 1,870 $0 122,304 882
FA2 25 63 127 $0 9,477 753
MA3 60 719 1,454 $0 97,856 848
FA3 16 38 88 $0 6,989 695

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 77 197 $2,870 11,632 7
Alaska 1 26 99 $615 5,202 6
Alberta 1 74 227 $1,559 15,496 7
Arizona 1 81 233 $3,847 13,665 21
Arkansas 1 91 180 $2,154 10,370 5
British Columbia 1 56 165 $2,550 10,171 2
California 1 134 393 $7,522 32,011 20
Colorado 1 55 163 $2,629 12,216 8
Georgia 1 57 114 $0 6,909 0
Illinois 2 165 323 $2,602 24,995 7
Indiana 2 80 284 $300 15,816 2
Iowa 2 164 271 $3,607 15,620 16
Kentucky 1 124 371 $12,120 22,420 51
Maryland 1 33 64 $135 3,646 1
Massachusetts 2 90 178 $1,700 10,156 7
Michigan 5 253 646 $12,013 38,495 47
Minnesota 1 112 207 $2,625 18,556 10
Missouri 1 33 66 $0 4,033 0
Montana 1 8 16 $0 864 1
Nevada 1 89 173 $1,880 15,160 3
New Hampshire 2 71 127 $557 7,490 3
New York 1 95 189 $2,340 11,664 3
North Carolina 3 86 168 $599 9,519 4
North Dakota 1 17 45 $1,180 3,889 3
Ohio 3 170 362 $2,488 24,793 17
Oklahoma 3 88 176 $1,826 10,268 3
Ontario 2 104 169 $376 10,407 1
Oregon 3 183 358 $6,585 28,289 21
Pennsylvania 2 156 300 $7,089 19,780 51
South Carolina 1 70 138 $425 8,253 6
South Dakota 1 32 64 $336 3,666 4
Tennessee 2 154 390 $2,795 23,395 10
Texas 6 272 462 $4,779 30,537 19
Utah 1 17 17 $40 1,082 0
Vermont 1 131 248 $3,628 17,067 16
Washington 3 143 230 $1,380 15,242 6
West Virginia 1 83 161 $1,422 10,431 2
Wisconsin 3 210 402 $3,405 22,135 9

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 64 167 $796 10,626 1
Canada 4 234 561 $4,485 36,074 10
Croatia 2 63 190 $0 11,090 2
Finland 10 701 1,557 $44,748 107,315 217
Germany 1 47 98 $0 5,321 3
Iceland 1 22 22 $0 1,516 0
Japan 1 46 180 $846 12,981 16
Latvia 2 69 135 $0 9,451 0
Sweden 7 299 545 $646 36,922 12
United Kingdom 1 22 44 $0 2,729 0
United States 65 3,651 7,817 $97,493 509,394 389