StatMando Monday

From Monday 2021-03-22 to Sunday 2021-03-28, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2021-03-22
(click to change weeks)
(7,250 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:09 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 71 1,298 2,697 $101,240 162,675 949
FPO 28 120 296 $18,262 20,323 864
MP40 45 367 770 $25,979 47,012 932
MP50 22 131 269 $10,082 17,564 927
FP40 1 1 1 $15 65 885
MP55 4 10 16 $744 1,191 920
MP60 6 13 29 $976 2,080 891
FP60 1 1 2 $23 160 695
MP65 4 11 21 $1,036 1,502 876
MP70 1 1 3 $200 224 904
MA1 78 1,371 2,572 $0 163,890 914
FA1 43 141 288 $0 20,582 796
MA2 73 1,482 2,715 $0 173,379 888
FA2 38 119 225 $0 16,873 769
MA3 68 1,407 2,379 $0 160,922 841
FA3 36 92 166 $0 13,650 686

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 3 256 413 $1,371 25,735 12
Arkansas 2 107 158 $569 10,915 3
California 1 187 373 $3,461 24,752 11
Colorado 2 171 330 $1,510 20,017 8
Delaware 2 86 172 $1,903 10,698 8
Florida 3 319 635 $3,239 39,914 12
Georgia 3 188 374 $2,259 22,749 9
Idaho 1 171 503 $11,528 31,234 35
Illinois 3 315 627 $3,240 44,137 21
Indiana 3 232 458 $724 28,531 13
Iowa 2 112 215 $1,000 14,627 6
Kansas 2 208 208 $644 12,848 1
Kentucky 3 120 132 $709 7,729 1
Louisiana 1 10 10 $30 629 0
Maryland 1 57 114 $125 7,729 0
Michigan 2 277 589 $644 37,516 9
Minnesota 2 198 395 $2,110 27,588 5
Mississippi 2 222 467 $3,319 30,045 13
Missouri 5 509 915 $8,145 61,188 28
Nebraska 1 67 132 $950 9,040 2
New York 6 450 784 $2,304 52,654 4
North Carolina 6 572 1,307 $12,536 75,550 63
Oklahoma 1 199 194 $987 12,005 1
Oregon 4 360 667 $7,450 40,067 37
Pennsylvania 3 215 285 $1,559 21,823 5
South Carolina 1 82 240 $1,670 16,998 8
South Dakota 2 174 340 $2,270 21,188 10
Texas 11 840 1,754 $69,279 111,013 218
Virginia 4 254 344 $1,936 23,188 10
Washington 1 166 332 $1,594 26,529 10
West Virginia 1 59 57 $0 6,202 0
Wisconsin 3 315 478 $3,143 35,486 11

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 22 42 $152 2,434 0
China 1 23 69 $0 4,474 0
Denmark 1 34 33 $0 1,846 0
Lithuania 1 58 173 $1,104 11,934 0
New Zealand 1 110 321 $3,950 20,923 7
Norway 2 101 201 $1,143 13,798 2
United States 87 7,498 14,002 $152,208 910,324 574