StatMando Monday

From Monday 2022-02-21 to Sunday 2022-02-27, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2022-02-21
(click to change weeks)
(7,228 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:15 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 74 1,138 2,346 $83,619 139,135 947
FPO 27 151 410 $28,641 27,824 873
MP40 47 379 900 $13,938 56,772 934
MP50 20 169 445 $6,986 29,838 918
FP40 7 31 76 $797 5,649 820
FP50 1 1 3 $103 234 862
MP60 13 79 206 $2,817 13,827 897
FP60 2 7 22 $103 1,723 805
MP65 1 1 1 $30 67 846
MP70 2 3 8 $287 595 878
MA1 80 1,163 2,209 $0 136,912 915
FA1 40 95 197 $0 14,437 801
MA2 77 1,301 2,372 $0 152,062 884
FA2 28 69 149 $0 12,031 746
MA3 75 1,479 2,446 $0 161,979 844
FA3 38 89 152 $0 12,461 672

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 115 197 $66 10,711 0
Alberta 1 57 114 $582 6,963 4
Arizona 1 4 4 $0 278 0
Arkansas 1 69 135 $896 7,927 1
British Columbia 1 67 133 $0 8,575 3
California 3 271 540 $4,198 39,668 16
Colorado 1 95 189 $0 12,414 3
Connecticut 1 77 150 $1,125 9,013 7
Delaware 1 54 108 $336 6,861 0
Florida 5 477 809 $8,179 64,713 16
Georgia 6 505 1,037 $5,577 67,500 18
Indiana 3 157 310 $1,075 17,564 3
Iowa 2 230 229 $857 12,887 3
Kentucky 1 84 167 $228 10,039 1
Louisiana 4 178 324 $2,297 23,728 1
Maryland 3 191 263 $2,022 19,570 1
Massachusetts 1 112 111 $421 7,480 2
Michigan 2 206 403 $1,795 24,560 12
Missouri 4 391 492 $1,990 31,274 14
Nebraska 1 62 62 $200 3,582 1
Nevada 2 550 1,864 $71,006 121,818 316
New Mexico 1 105 210 $0 16,183 0
New York 2 5 10 $66 543 0
North Carolina 10 664 1,045 $4,195 63,661 26
Oklahoma 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Oregon 4 264 510 $2,090 33,173 11
Pennsylvania 2 156 310 $1,725 17,918 11
Texas 14 1,057 1,788 $13,135 110,615 57
Virginia 7 341 631 $750 39,421 2
Washington 1 82 162 $756 12,159 3

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 206 567 $2,925 42,185 3
Austria 1 57 113 $0 7,235 1
Canada 2 124 247 $582 15,538 7
Czech Republic 1 46 92 $0 6,151 0
Denmark 1 96 95 $282 6,205 0
Estonia 1 269 704 $5,177 45,953 18
France 1 36 72 $0 4,777 2
Lithuania 1 110 328 $3,096 22,663 1
New Zealand 1 26 52 $202 3,448 3
Sweden 1 51 51 $0 3,156 0
Thailand 1 27 54 $108 3,007 3
United Kingdom 1 15 29 $0 1,956 0
United States 86 6,502 12,060 $124,985 785,260 525