StatMando Monday

From Monday 2014-09-15 to Sunday 2014-09-21, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2014-09-15
(click to change weeks)
(3,116 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:44 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 59 833 2,252 $57,146 132,260 950
FPO 23 99 336 $11,432 23,443 849
MA1 52 633 1,574 $0 95,447 914
FA1 15 43 122 $0 9,000 806
MA2 49 566 1,392 $0 89,619 881
FA2 18 37 112 $0 8,228 749
MA3 42 326 746 $0 50,452 837
FA3 11 24 71 $0 5,769 648

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alaska 1 30 60 $240 3,173 1
Arkansas 1 32 94 $1,335 5,070 0
British Columbia 2 69 192 $1,660 12,777 6
California 3 235 596 $4,661 35,363 27
Colorado 2 66 186 $2,600 10,580 0
Connecticut 1 57 114 $2,428 6,853 5
Georgia 3 171 558 $12,877 39,206 10
Idaho 1 98 289 $2,571 20,018 2
Illinois 2 100 199 $651 14,173 5
Iowa 3 109 216 $1,246 15,364 5
Kansas 1 50 197 $1,440 11,946 18
Kentucky 3 180 527 $8,215 31,658 48
Massachusetts 1 72 144 $1,045 8,630 2
Michigan 3 118 205 $875 12,756 5
Mississippi 1 23 67 $1,080 4,098 1
Nevada 1 67 198 $2,935 11,351 17
New Hampshire 1 13 25 $135 1,432 0
New Jersey 1 62 124 $769 7,436 7
New York 1 54 107 $1,104 6,266 3
North Carolina 3 174 560 $4,539 31,842 29
North Dakota 2 30 60 $390 3,317 0
Ohio 1 36 71 $0 4,432 0
Oregon 1 98 290 $2,092 17,234 21
Tennessee 3 84 187 $1,560 10,296 10
Texas 4 177 350 $2,495 24,273 13
Vermont 1 93 241 $14,052 17,095 22
Virginia 2 99 197 $3,601 12,756 17
West Virginia 1 63 126 $2,816 8,245 5
Wisconsin 2 93 257 $235 15,645 4

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 24 75 $667 4,479 1
Canada 2 69 192 $1,660 12,777 6
Croatia 1 14 51 $0 2,963 0
Czech Republic 1 39 148 $0 9,160 6
Denmark 1 86 342 $3,140 20,051 19
Finland 4 292 568 $3,137 41,443 22
Germany 2 58 207 $0 12,613 11
Japan 1 54 199 $792 11,621 10
Sweden 2 93 305 $456 17,382 24
United Kingdom 1 52 196 $551 12,852 4
United States 50 2,484 6,245 $77,987 390,508 277