StatMando Monday

From Monday 2023-08-28 to Sunday 2023-09-03, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2023-08-28
(click to change weeks)
(11,153 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2023-09-10 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 154 2,395 5,154 $283,210 292,930 946
FPO 62 263 714 $83,856 49,256 875
MP40 64 472 965 $22,985 60,042 915
MP50 35 161 360 $9,340 24,008 894
FP40 8 21 49 $963 3,816 770
FP50 4 4 8 $285 689 756
MP55 2 2 2 $15 108 888
MP60 13 27 58 $2,691 4,109 881
MP65 1 7 14 $0 1,033 855
MP70 3 6 12 $608 804 803
MA1 151 1,854 3,614 $0 170,505 909
FA1 64 202 418 $0 27,783 816
MA2 135 1,794 3,503 $0 193,423 890
FA2 54 138 249 $0 17,595 753
MA3 146 2,140 4,034 $0 221,663 853
FA3 50 128 236 $0 17,657 699

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 4 95 123 $152 3,358 0
Alaska 1 39 151 $1,520 8,723 3
Alberta 2 261 735 $21,177 47,621 31
Arizona 3 203 382 $6,475 26,594 9
Arkansas 5 201 252 $1,075 15,255 3
British Columbia 2 108 196 $15 10,847 2
California 1 129 255 $9,494 24,654 9
Colorado 8 374 933 $5,744 46,444 22
Connecticut 1 2 4 $0 257 0
Georgia 1 131 260 $0 16,901 3
Illinois 4 176 277 $0 15,739 0
Indiana 6 366 789 $2,483 31,222 5
Iowa 3 212 323 $2,718 18,593 16
Kansas 4 183 308 $2,372 17,196 5
Kentucky 4 207 266 $822 17,339 2
Louisiana 3 135 248 $1,066 9,965 6
Manitoba 3 57 180 $0 0 2
Maryland 1 70 139 $366 8,858 0
Massachusetts 3 160 208 $1,389 12,762 3
Michigan 6 786 2,040 $225 110,702 13
Minnesota 1 11 13 $0 0 0
Missouri 2 237 607 $5,552 37,436 16
Nevada 2 96 109 $0 0 0
New Brunswick 1 10 7 $0 0 0
New Jersey 3 196 306 $3,115 19,570 8
New York 3 129 283 $0 0 9
North Carolina 11 528 988 $4,828 48,244 43
North Dakota 1 28 72 $2,400 6,937 5
Nova Scotia 1 66 91 $0 0 1
Ohio 7 362 514 $4,906 29,006 27
Oklahoma 2 70 75 $83 2,653 0
Oregon 3 267 520 $4,122 39,722 6
Pennsylvania 8 253 443 $1,256 23,995 4
Prince Edward Island 1 57 114 $617 7,992 0
Quebec 1 73 144 $1,428 8,771 1
South Carolina 3 154 112 $18 3,747 0
South Dakota 1 46 48 $0 0 0
Tennessee 3 224 462 $295 28,046 11
Texas 16 633 685 $2,034 41,373 8
Utah 4 100 193 $847 11,221 3
Vermont 1 294 1,299 $275,000 80,840 604
Virginia 2 116 201 $306 2,234 1
Washington 4 310 591 $4,790 30,543 19
West Virginia 3 157 402 $304 28,143 2
Wisconsin 2 271 503 $11,100 39,212 27
Wyoming 2 14 25 $80 1,471 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Belgium 1 27 54 $0 4,069 1
Canada 11 632 1,467 $23,237 75,231 37
Denmark 1 89 258 $2,190 16,745 18
Finland 11 860 2,066 $12,861 130,932 101
France 1 22 44 $0 3,072 0
Germany 3 155 402 $0 24,349 11
Iceland 4 128 174 $0 11,655 1
Italy 1 18 36 $0 2,660 1
Latvia 1 118 234 $1,086 15,646 1
Lithuania 1 63 126 $627 7,485 0
Netherlands 2 70 137 $0 7,659 3
New Zealand 3 102 205 $0 4,790 2
Norway 9 578 1,000 $5,063 65,523 3
Poland 1 58 171 $0 10,720 2
Serbia 1 20 59 $0 2,728 0
Sweden 16 1,010 1,859 $4,306 122,279 26
United Kingdom 3 86 199 $46 11,217 2
United States 142 7,965 15,409 $356,937 858,955 892