StatMando Monday

From Monday 2019-07-01 to Sunday 2019-07-07, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2019-07-01
(click to change weeks)
(6,258 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:02 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 87 1,438 3,271 $109,541 197,051 948
FPO 40 130 335 $14,650 23,593 858
MP40 51 396 1,008 $23,748 62,861 926
MP50 31 207 535 $11,465 34,496 904
FP40 5 23 72 $1,390 5,707 823
FP50 1 4 16 $162 1,390 808
MP55 1 2 4 $124 230 942
MP60 9 33 82 $1,712 5,328 870
FP65 1 1 2 $45 153 766
MP70 1 4 16 $162 1,446 781
MA1 79 1,038 2,202 $0 135,120 914
FA1 36 114 234 $0 16,090 806
MA2 82 1,113 2,415 $0 153,813 884
FA2 35 103 231 $0 17,594 750
MA3 72 1,008 2,137 $0 139,134 848
FA3 23 51 97 $0 7,682 675

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 64 116 $695 6,282 2
Alaska 1 18 41 $1,870 2,360 5
Alberta 1 25 50 $440 3,388 0
Arkansas 1 56 111 $1,481 7,159 0
British Columbia 2 250 705 $12,711 48,192 33
California 2 160 320 $3,376 19,859 20
Colorado 1 72 121 $495 7,611 2
Florida 3 158 229 $480 12,954 9
Georgia 1 28 28 $40 1,876 1
Idaho 3 111 245 $2,354 14,832 10
Indiana 3 226 379 $2,992 23,440 6
Iowa 2 80 158 $863 8,704 7
Kansas 4 250 426 $1,996 24,877 10
Kentucky 1 117 231 $1,533 17,252 5
Louisiana 1 47 138 $1,581 7,663 4
Maryland 1 74 146 $1,710 7,844 3
Massachusetts 3 151 256 $3,553 15,864 16
Michigan 2 310 906 $44,740 54,109 134
Minnesota 1 60 120 $1,425 7,894 5
Missouri 2 87 143 $1,320 12,039 5
Nebraska 1 20 40 $1,010 2,326 1
New Hampshire 1 15 50 $0 2,944 0
New Jersey 1 61 121 $695 7,427 11
New York 4 160 340 $2,070 24,246 9
North Carolina 2 143 286 $1,455 15,850 11
Ohio 5 303 598 $2,880 42,087 9
Oklahoma 3 169 365 $4,521 22,667 25
Ontario 2 114 323 $2,471 19,406 6
Oregon 1 165 495 $3,485 30,839 12
Pennsylvania 2 52 85 $620 5,326 1
South Carolina 2 140 276 $907 15,328 8
Tennessee 4 202 528 $7,031 36,444 30
Texas 8 444 802 $8,196 49,335 16
Utah 2 109 299 $6,435 20,137 13
Virginia 2 117 230 $1,475 15,485 11
Washington 1 26 52 $0 3,814 0
Wisconsin 4 218 436 $4,306 27,299 11

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 25 49 $52 2,996 2
Canada 5 389 1,078 $15,622 70,986 39
Estonia 1 218 557 $0 37,399 0
Finland 8 814 2,178 $18,558 146,370 42
France 1 21 42 $28 2,711 1
Germany 1 44 126 $1,701 6,966 7
Iceland 1 41 119 $0 7,252 1
Lithuania 1 34 68 $336 4,507 0
Norway 2 122 366 $6,102 21,144 15
Sweden 9 472 895 $2,818 55,560 15
Ukraine 1 16 48 $0 3,115 0
United Kingdom 1 40 147 $192 8,171 1
United States 76 4,413 9,117 $117,590 574,173 412