StatMando Monday

From Monday 2022-05-30 to Sunday 2022-06-05, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2022-05-30
(click to change weeks)
(15,305 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-06-09 12:15 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 151 2,653 5,758 $150,417 345,126 949
FPO 60 276 686 $34,711 47,293 859
MP40 82 626 1,332 $20,816 84,394 921
MP50 48 234 520 $7,661 32,615 907
FP40 10 36 74 $920 5,209 790
FP50 3 4 8 $146 603 832
MP55 5 18 40 $654 2,563 903
MP60 22 78 166 $3,506 10,850 886
FP60 1 4 8 $0 585 787
MP65 4 6 11 $176 682 862
MP70 3 4 8 $51 536 796
MA1 158 2,548 5,126 $0 318,443 915
FA1 78 207 434 $0 31,116 802
MA2 160 3,052 5,854 $0 372,316 883
FA2 76 235 469 $0 35,252 747
MA3 159 3,356 6,118 $0 400,243 846
FA3 69 215 434 $0 33,039 694

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 3 250 492 $1,025 30,138 8
Alaska 1 58 230 $0 13,002 6
Alberta 1 126 373 $0 24,036 8
Arizona 2 180 351 $0 22,320 7
Arkansas 3 239 563 $6,389 31,543 12
British Columbia 5 263 513 $636 33,343 3
California 7 1,023 2,165 $6,010 137,949 62
Colorado 3 364 553 $0 33,711 10
Delaware 1 68 136 $406 7,556 5
Florida 5 460 933 $0 61,020 23
Georgia 3 291 522 $0 34,558 6
Idaho 2 143 242 $2,686 17,297 4
Illinois 7 754 1,841 $10,120 112,333 65
Indiana 4 286 373 $150 29,529 2
Iowa 6 533 828 $2,270 48,760 13
Kansas 4 374 940 $340 59,697 16
Kentucky 3 218 301 $475 18,747 0
Louisiana 2 151 299 $1,813 21,177 11
Maine 3 276 487 $3,412 29,883 12
Manitoba 1 55 109 $353 7,495 1
Maryland 4 227 379 $240 24,043 1
Massachusetts 7 526 843 $6,082 55,992 15
Michigan 6 409 767 $1,878 53,890 9
Minnesota 3 432 848 $1,615 65,614 2
Missouri 5 343 474 $1,605 30,572 7
Nebraska 1 49 192 $275 11,275 0
New Hampshire 2 124 248 $3,090 14,836 3
New Jersey 4 132 178 $40 11,010 9
New York 6 493 1,068 $17,657 70,830 31
North Carolina 11 634 974 $4,268 58,258 28
North Dakota 1 24 48 $190 3,073 0
Nova Scotia 1 45 131 $0 7,363 2
Ohio 6 505 915 $5,120 59,907 22
Oklahoma 5 225 378 $1,760 23,282 7
Ontario 4 170 337 $0 21,522 1
Oregon 4 375 1,075 $85,550 69,484 242
Pennsylvania 3 289 571 $2,239 36,499 10
South Carolina 1 32 32 $0 1,771 0
South Dakota 1 42 84 $516 5,845 2
Tennessee 4 828 1,912 $20,705 115,518 91
Texas 15 980 1,954 $12,170 121,209 62
Utah 1 136 132 $598 8,869 1
Vermont 1 164 326 $2,101 18,313 1
Virginia 5 341 612 $3,991 44,176 9
Washington 1 64 128 $360 7,803 0
Wisconsin 3 190 263 $0 16,394 4
Wyoming 1 22 53 $0 3,026 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 12 659 1,463 $989 93,759 15
Croatia 1 37 100 $0 5,380 3
Czech Republic 1 120 358 $0 25,301 14
Denmark 1 88 259 $0 17,730 15
Estonia 3 298 590 $0 39,753 13
Finland 10 769 1,587 $8,291 102,330 39
France 1 22 44 $0 3,162 0
Germany 1 10 20 $0 1,238 0
Iceland 2 88 199 $0 12,719 0
Latvia 1 126 251 $0 16,886 1
Mexico 1 16 32 $0 2,187 0
Netherlands 3 59 107 $0 6,575 0
Norway 5 376 696 $1,688 46,576 2
Slovenia 1 33 66 $0 4,058 0
Sweden 11 772 1,526 $991 96,044 12
United Kingdom 3 119 298 $58 20,243 12
United States 160 13,254 25,710 $207,146 1,640,709 818