StatMando Monday

From Monday 2021-11-01 to Sunday 2021-11-07, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2021-11-01
(click to change weeks)
(7,284 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:13 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 86 1,131 2,465 $90,567 142,533 951
FPO 39 120 288 $12,677 19,681 860
MP40 44 311 695 $25,056 43,186 926
MP50 25 130 284 $9,524 18,128 911
FP40 3 5 13 $705 1,071 847
FP50 2 2 5 $197 342 787
MP55 1 5 10 $536 632 889
MP60 10 31 71 $2,051 4,586 887
FP60 2 3 7 $305 466 824
MP65 1 1 2 $107 118 929
FP65 1 1 2 $107 165 701
MP70 1 2 3 $215 126 847
MA1 82 1,076 2,212 $0 137,478 912
FA1 37 111 240 $0 16,722 813
MA2 82 1,378 2,804 $0 178,194 881
FA2 28 107 249 $0 19,642 761
MA3 73 1,357 2,607 $0 168,878 840
FA3 33 96 183 $0 13,966 708

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 123 243 $290 14,680 1
Alberta 1 44 88 $565 6,355 0
Arkansas 1 69 138 $1,671 9,304 9
British Columbia 3 167 320 $982 19,972 8
California 2 478 1,075 $18,660 75,009 40
Colorado 3 272 674 $5,215 37,989 18
Delaware 2 135 270 $2,536 17,987 3
Florida 2 273 626 $2,425 43,905 6
Georgia 4 397 783 $1,056 51,599 9
Idaho 1 59 118 $320 7,784 2
Illinois 3 174 341 $838 22,048 6
Indiana 6 280 480 $3,625 29,655 15
Iowa 2 176 176 $759 10,778 3
Kansas 2 125 248 $1,733 15,886 6
Kentucky 3 228 453 $1,806 27,805 5
Maine 2 129 257 $3,884 15,498 5
Maryland 1 28 47 $0 2,569 0
Massachusetts 1 56 56 $127 3,235 1
Michigan 1 55 108 $102 6,906 3
Minnesota 1 51 128 $460 7,457 1
Mississippi 1 65 129 $742 7,774 5
Missouri 4 281 393 $4,449 29,656 8
Montana 2 6 12 $379 579 0
Nebraska 1 40 40 $25 3,499 0
New Jersey 4 216 389 $2,793 24,596 9
New York 2 179 480 $6,749 33,325 1
North Carolina 3 276 372 $3,160 22,869 12
Nova Scotia 1 58 168 $1,621 11,660 0
Ohio 5 383 676 $3,835 46,538 15
Oklahoma 1 40 80 $1,570 5,150 6
Oregon 3 279 555 $3,470 35,263 28
Pennsylvania 3 221 442 $3,431 24,930 16
South Carolina 2 309 980 $18,172 60,889 66
Tennessee 4 349 831 $6,656 48,535 24
Texas 4 277 629 $29,766 39,741 76
Utah 1 167 332 $1,705 20,748 10
Virginia 4 290 709 $3,912 45,489 10
Washington 2 124 245 $1,764 14,903 4
Wisconsin 3 176 342 $1,092 19,567 12

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 77 182 $230 13,030 1
Canada 5 269 576 $3,168 37,987 8
Czech Republic 1 40 80 $0 5,116 0
Finland 2 130 259 $161 14,876 4
France 3 87 198 $81 13,798 4
Germany 1 25 50 $0 3,111 2
Ireland 1 27 53 $0 3,144 0
Netherlands 1 41 78 $0 3,938 1
Sweden 1 35 70 $0 4,287 0
United Kingdom 1 43 82 $0 4,912 0
United States 88 6,786 13,857 $139,177 884,145 435