StatMando Monday

From Monday 2018-04-02 to Sunday 2018-04-08, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2018-04-02
(click to change weeks)
(5,274 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:56 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 69 1,213 2,767 $75,717 166,986 944
FPO 35 120 299 $8,534 21,239 850
MP40 43 293 684 $14,084 43,133 920
MP50 28 149 346 $7,720 22,197 895
FP40 5 11 23 $1,491 1,507 834
FP50 1 1 3 $50 192 846
MP55 2 11 22 $211 1,604 854
MP60 8 17 35 $1,232 2,385 884
MP70 1 1 2 $48 118 843
MA1 68 1,026 2,303 $0 148,832 911
FA1 30 79 175 $0 12,982 804
MA2 60 909 2,064 $0 133,903 881
FA2 23 64 142 $0 10,668 757
MA3 56 806 1,818 $0 122,598 846
FA3 17 54 113 $0 9,015 694

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 63 125 $1,340 7,417 4
Arkansas 2 205 605 $31,247 38,352 130
British Columbia 2 66 127 $1,212 7,648 4
California 5 370 950 $13,764 65,467 40
Colorado 1 118 347 $2,464 22,275 10
Florida 3 204 619 $4,551 41,975 27
Georgia 2 75 146 $225 9,436 1
Idaho 1 118 234 $4,547 15,850 11
Indiana 2 138 275 $780 21,294 2
Iowa 3 106 211 $1,320 11,725 1
Kansas 4 179 353 $1,545 22,018 12
Kentucky 2 148 338 $1,811 19,355 12
Louisiana 1 53 106 $641 6,492 1
Michigan 4 298 786 $1,109 47,819 10
Minnesota 2 117 233 $1,400 13,769 5
Mississippi 2 65 166 $2,440 9,807 2
Missouri 2 110 275 $1,743 17,926 9
Nebraska 2 94 188 $2,540 11,206 4
New Jersey 1 35 70 $40 4,724 0
New Mexico 1 42 80 $0 4,995 0
New York 2 152 391 $6,251 26,770 20
North Carolina 4 259 702 $4,706 41,028 31
North Dakota 1 49 92 $1,135 6,878 2
Ohio 1 80 160 $736 11,290 7
Oklahoma 2 100 276 $1,480 19,960 10
Ontario 1 63 63 $419 3,797 2
Oregon 1 86 166 $595 13,107 14
Pennsylvania 1 99 99 $0 9,534 0
South Carolina 1 84 328 $917 17,551 9
Tennessee 1 82 159 $470 10,750 3
Texas 3 194 395 $2,386 26,480 9
Virginia 3 121 214 $409 13,750 2
Washington 1 77 148 $0 9,559 0
Wisconsin 2 184 366 $3,085 25,563 4

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Belgium 1 32 61 $0 4,000 0
Canada 3 129 190 $1,631 11,445 6
Croatia 1 17 59 $0 2,988 0
Czech Republic 1 63 189 $209 10,753 2
Denmark 1 63 187 $1,176 12,523 11
Estonia 2 215 422 $1,241 31,125 1
Finland 6 364 705 $1,781 47,362 10
Germany 2 91 225 $0 12,890 8
Netherlands 1 30 60 $0 4,520 0
Norway 4 178 348 $1,666 22,945 1
Sweden 3 183 362 $1,443 23,088 9
United Kingdom 1 9 18 $0 1,051 0
United States 66 4,241 9,870 $99,940 642,001 403