StatMando Monday

From Monday 2022-09-26 to Sunday 2022-10-02, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2022-09-26
(click to change weeks)
(10,221 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-10-09 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 137 1,886 3,855 $94,262 240,722 936
FPO 63 199 413 $11,210 30,109 837
MP40 74 536 1,107 $28,931 72,681 920
MP50 42 169 397 $12,441 25,264 904
FP40 8 16 43 $1,585 3,340 787
FP50 4 5 11 $218 720 848
MP55 2 6 12 $812 734 892
MP60 15 50 122 $4,004 8,241 876
MP65 1 2 4 $743 274 863
MP70 2 8 16 $124 1,295 814
MA1 139 1,736 3,574 $0 222,643 910
FA1 50 152 345 $0 25,167 785
MA2 124 1,700 3,386 $0 214,986 883
FA2 46 137 290 $0 21,139 761
MA3 127 1,902 3,523 $0 231,593 844
FA3 44 122 223 $0 17,132 698

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 3 139 242 $579 14,188 4
Alaska 1 33 128 $590 7,511 6
Alberta 2 137 340 $459 24,817 3
Arizona 2 234 459 $1,070 29,971 12
Arkansas 2 121 239 $2,118 15,725 0
British Columbia 2 97 255 $741 15,504 1
California 2 351 965 $10,553 60,952 45
Colorado 3 205 497 $1,840 36,255 4
Connecticut 4 322 414 $3,328 26,467 7
Florida 3 103 102 $0 7,868 2
Georgia 2 238 310 $8,128 20,493 8
Idaho 1 74 148 $1,034 8,686 5
Illinois 3 213 372 $3,121 22,254 9
Indiana 12 501 905 $1,637 62,023 13
Iowa 5 297 416 $936 24,564 7
Kansas 3 171 287 $3,186 18,210 1
Kentucky 5 155 242 $13,799 14,574 17
Maryland 2 112 222 $579 15,106 1
Massachusetts 1 38 71 $540 4,604 2
Michigan 3 121 207 $762 11,991 3
Minnesota 2 204 405 $0 26,488 12
Mississippi 2 379 1,001 $17,227 60,998 49
Missouri 5 287 399 $3,330 25,590 7
Montana 1 107 305 $0 18,505 8
New Hampshire 4 239 608 $10,384 37,614 13
New York 3 161 442 $2,060 28,713 0
Newfoundland and Labrador 1 0 0 $0 0 0
North Carolina 2 42 42 $0 2,298 1
Nova Scotia 1 62 246 $0 15,380 1
Ohio 7 339 603 $1,444 39,536 11
Oklahoma 4 194 379 $1,895 22,642 11
Ontario 4 30 60 $102 3,760 0
Oregon 5 203 411 $1,679 26,895 5
Pennsylvania 6 232 447 $3,767 32,362 10
Quebec 1 88 172 $0 11,256 1
South Carolina 3 153 305 $597 17,924 8
South Dakota 1 18 18 $34 968 0
Tennessee 1 134 390 $1,830 23,421 13
Texas 12 943 2,040 $28,971 125,042 75
Vermont 1 121 240 $882 15,144 2
Virginia 6 324 530 $1,428 34,309 10
Washington 2 123 301 $3,862 17,393 14
West Virginia 1 190 556 $17,142 33,891 32
Wisconsin 6 255 445 $1,285 27,316 9
Wyoming 1 26 48 $0 2,960 1

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Austria 1 57 179 $0 11,422 1
Canada 11 414 1,073 $1,302 70,717 6
Colombia 1 11 22 $0 1,454 0
Croatia 1 28 84 $0 5,938 0
Czech Republic 3 173 128 $0 24,168 1
Estonia 3 100 142 $0 8,874 3
Finland 10 609 1,203 $1,321 79,806 22
France 1 37 111 $0 7,701 0
Lithuania 1 71 141 $0 9,693 0
Luxembourg 1 24 48 $0 3,395 0
Netherlands 5 203 329 $0 26,701 1
New Zealand 2 100 259 $90 16,862 1
Norway 9 379 767 $0 55,559 5
Poland 1 35 99 $0 7,198 1
Slovenia 1 33 93 $0 6,538 2
Sweden 6 418 830 $0 55,270 6
Switzerland 1 63 126 $0 7,651 5
United Kingdom 1 87 252 $0 16,415 0
United States 132 8,102 16,141 $151,617 1,021,451 437