StatMando Monday

From Monday 2023-07-24 to Sunday 2023-07-30, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2023-07-24
(click to change weeks)
(12,317 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2023-08-06 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 159 2,387 4,706 $177,312 260,250 943
FPO 56 246 558 $26,930 38,108 842
MP40 73 538 1,068 $27,614 64,189 920
MP50 37 210 489 $12,236 29,996 900
FP40 14 35 84 $1,848 6,674 792
FP50 7 9 19 $560 1,493 796
MP55 2 24 56 $1,991 3,814 898
FP55 1 1 2 $39 164 734
MP60 20 54 129 $3,544 8,998 864
FP60 1 1 2 $84 136 804
MP65 1 1 2 $39 140 847
MP70 2 4 7 $146 469 871
MA1 171 2,398 4,326 $0 200,554 906
FA1 59 148 271 $0 16,617 795
MA2 155 1,853 3,482 $0 185,013 887
FA2 58 158 273 $0 18,606 767
MA3 160 2,331 4,106 $0 237,041 848
FA3 51 136 271 $0 17,091 710

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 115 212 $0 15,911 3
Alaska 1 63 125 $0 7,371 3
Arizona 1 94 181 $1,421 13,543 9
Arkansas 1 48 140 $0 8,318 3
British Columbia 1 75 150 $30 10,460 1
California 4 506 1,080 $24,304 80,294 36
Colorado 5 345 529 $945 32,245 4
Connecticut 2 139 275 $3,854 17,258 5
Delaware 2 103 205 $129 11,293 0
Florida 2 180 271 $782 16,586 1
Georgia 11 858 1,306 $3,186 64,921 14
Illinois 9 402 779 $8,374 29,549 22
Indiana 11 589 899 $3,708 39,905 25
Iowa 1 24 33 $0 0 1
Kansas 3 151 255 $979 15,173 3
Kentucky 5 170 363 $248 16,814 4
Louisiana 2 99 185 $1,104 6,498 4
Maine 3 162 195 $220 6,864 5
Maryland 4 193 342 $585 8,576 5
Massachusetts 4 120 109 $286 5,901 0
Michigan 11 655 1,321 $1,851 69,599 15
Minnesota 3 87 174 $2,944 10,146 7
Mississippi 2 152 401 $3,077 22,900 11
Missouri 5 297 678 $42,003 38,249 127
Nebraska 2 90 173 $440 10,478 3
Nevada 2 61 119 $690 8,540 0
New Hampshire 1 59 176 $0 11,080 1
New Jersey 2 155 301 $1,975 18,844 4
New York 5 219 400 $4,385 27,306 10
North Carolina 11 580 835 $2,761 50,164 13
Nova Scotia 1 48 95 $0 0 2
Ohio 6 243 436 $530 17,977 2
Oklahoma 5 276 575 $3,396 34,680 19
Ontario 1 8 22 $0 0 0
Oregon 4 362 1,074 $10,580 72,733 16
Pennsylvania 5 277 453 $739 22,515 5
Prince Edward Island 1 47 94 $419 5,999 1
Quebec 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Rhode Island 1 101 201 $3,175 12,345 5
South Carolina 2 87 122 $0 5,406 2
South Dakota 3 145 379 $1,400 24,048 4
Tennessee 4 248 529 $10,686 31,165 35
Texas 23 901 1,421 $8,389 69,694 24
Utah 3 150 180 $1,496 7,079 5
Virginia 7 286 483 $110 30,570 1
West Virginia 1 72 144 $1,610 9,255 1
Wisconsin 3 197 256 $546 14,818 1
Wyoming 1 7 5 $0 339 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Aland Islands 2 165 483 $58,573 31,155 118
Australia 1 99 197 $414 13,049 0
Belize 2 19 49 $50 1,402 0
Canada 5 178 361 $449 16,459 4
Colombia 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Czech Republic 1 17 51 $0 2,953 0
Denmark 2 135 262 $0 18,555 0
Estonia 4 186 237 $0 16,053 2
Finland 14 1,085 2,126 $11,559 108,182 51
Germany 3 134 401 $0 22,115 11
Hungary 1 64 189 $0 13,137 0
Iceland 2 81 135 $0 8,689 1
New Zealand 2 92 182 $535 15,601 3
Norway 3 107 231 $2,010 15,306 5
Poland 1 68 199 $0 12,933 1
Portugal 1 16 47 $0 1,871 0
Serbia 1 17 48 $0 1,962 0
Slovakia 1 25 50 $0 3,414 0
Sweden 10 750 1,361 $25,849 86,480 52
Ukraine 1 13 38 $0 2,345 0
United Kingdom 1 26 80 $0 0 2
United States 185 10,068 18,320 $152,908 1,016,950 458