StatMando Monday

From Monday 2012-12-31 to Sunday 2013-01-06, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2012-12-31
(click to change weeks)
(391 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:39 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 6 43 83 $1,595 4,442 961
FPO 1 4 8 $0 581 733
MA1 7 109 215 $0 12,586 922
FA1 2 8 16 $0 1,160 843
MA2 5 92 183 $0 11,572 902
FA2 2 4 7 $0 491 663
MA3 5 50 97 $0 6,186 858
FA3 1 1 2 $0 158 570

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Florida 1 142 276 $0 17,987 8
Michigan 1 59 118 $565 6,531 2
North Carolina 1 36 72 $305 3,863 2
Ohio 1 44 86 $25 4,938 1
Texas 1 66 129 $970 9,113 4
Wisconsin 1 21 42 $245 2,150 1

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Netherlands 1 28 54 $0 3,140 3
United States 6 368 723 $2,110 44,582 18