StatMando Monday

From Monday 2022-04-18 to Sunday 2022-04-24, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2022-04-18
(click to change weeks)
(12,671 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-26 13:00 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 126 2,368 4,689 $144,182 285,821 945
FPO 63 302 679 $30,955 47,102 854
MP40 69 606 1,232 $22,067 78,241 922
MP50 33 176 395 $7,119 25,806 909
FP40 11 20 42 $930 3,218 776
FP50 3 4 8 $63 613 754
MP55 2 5 13 $18 711 902
MP60 20 76 166 $2,620 12,175 869
FP60 1 1 2 $40 134 854
MP70 3 10 12 $92 1,520 805
FP70 1 2 4 $116 332 523
MA1 128 2,085 4,051 $0 257,965 916
FA1 47 187 350 $0 24,930 799
MA2 122 2,478 4,644 $0 296,830 884
FA2 48 157 309 $0 22,849 756
MA3 121 2,442 4,464 $0 297,802 843
FA3 54 183 347 $0 27,123 705

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 269 528 $6,540 35,776 10
Alberta 2 125 247 $1,347 16,330 1
Arizona 2 121 236 $0 14,817 13
Arkansas 5 491 1,298 $72,298 78,718 236
British Columbia 1 33 66 $91 4,675 0
California 2 325 964 $0 60,077 21
Colorado 3 229 288 $292 18,446 1
Connecticut 2 140 279 $2,351 17,192 6
Delaware 2 152 300 $1,320 17,677 3
Florida 4 382 928 $2,734 56,212 14
Georgia 5 427 789 $4,968 51,441 12
Illinois 6 594 1,250 $256 87,821 12
Indiana 2 98 214 $0 14,796 2
Iowa 2 171 338 $0 21,539 7
Kansas 2 189 188 $609 13,492 5
Kentucky 3 273 428 $4,410 27,847 10
Louisiana 1 68 136 $0 8,476 0
Maine 2 230 367 $6,945 21,379 2
Maryland 2 140 277 $1,690 18,121 5
Massachusetts 4 389 546 $9,209 34,201 24
Michigan 5 419 901 $1,604 53,648 8
Minnesota 3 503 737 $11,665 46,988 32
Mississippi 1 55 109 $0 6,923 2
Missouri 4 350 580 $1,277 34,100 10
Nebraska 2 176 348 $2,259 24,646 0
New Hampshire 2 121 209 $80 12,848 0
New Jersey 5 310 570 $2,045 35,480 5
New Mexico 2 74 133 $0 8,478 1
New York 5 253 501 $1,802 32,961 2
North Carolina 8 563 989 $10,680 61,055 41
Ohio 4 272 537 $3,181 34,743 11
Oklahoma 3 159 279 $2,690 17,468 5
Ontario 2 71 137 $122 8,743 0
Oregon 4 370 634 $7,380 41,348 16
Pennsylvania 4 274 547 $1,371 35,532 2
South Carolina 4 270 539 $1,275 32,378 11
South Dakota 2 49 98 $420 6,362 0
Tennessee 2 146 233 $536 15,150 2
Texas 13 1,088 2,017 $11,928 138,922 37
Vermont 1 141 281 $1,582 17,254 3
Virginia 6 406 796 $3,681 51,418 22
Washington 1 198 391 $0 38,304 0
West Virginia 1 94 186 $665 11,185 1
Wisconsin 1 117 232 $0 15,058 0
Wyoming 2 190 311 $475 23,742 5

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Austria 1 50 98 $0 6,290 1
Belize 1 13 26 $200 1,986 0
Canada 5 229 450 $1,560 29,748 1
Czech Republic 1 114 338 $0 23,952 5
Denmark 2 83 249 $19,499 16,150 58
Estonia 3 293 506 $0 36,135 6
Finland 5 317 464 $1,587 40,467 6
France 1 79 236 $199 16,675 3
Germany 2 134 391 $905 24,323 13
Lithuania 1 90 179 $0 12,488 1
Netherlands 2 70 135 $0 8,335 1
New Zealand 1 41 82 $0 5,430 1
Norway 4 352 662 $3,910 44,271 12
Slovakia 1 48 144 $0 9,063 1
Sweden 6 283 527 $124 34,214 1
Switzerland 2 119 238 $0 15,520 4
United Kingdom 3 106 231 $0 12,630 3
United States 136 11,286 21,512 $180,218 1,394,019 599