StatMando Monday

From Monday 2019-06-03 to Sunday 2019-06-09, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2019-06-03
(click to change weeks)
(6,489 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:01 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 77 1,226 3,024 $91,712 182,926 950
FPO 33 128 359 $14,203 24,585 877
MP40 39 330 822 $24,642 50,116 930
MP50 27 171 439 $12,332 27,839 912
FP40 8 35 89 $2,597 6,547 815
MP55 3 8 17 $619 1,201 865
MP60 12 38 99 $2,350 6,262 873
MP70 1 2 4 $195 248 830
MA1 82 1,348 3,103 $0 193,906 920
FA1 38 112 263 $0 19,249 805
MA2 79 1,151 2,401 $0 155,962 883
FA2 39 112 232 $0 17,157 754
MA3 69 919 1,907 $0 128,468 844
FA3 22 67 148 $0 11,560 710

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 39 78 $0 4,626 1
Alaska 1 40 80 $645 5,406 4
Alberta 1 101 296 $2,197 18,720 3
Arkansas 1 30 59 $150 3,376 0
California 4 308 709 $5,266 43,069 18
Colorado 1 89 175 $0 10,521 1
Florida 2 80 79 $180 4,645 0
Georgia 2 129 182 $880 11,791 4
Idaho 2 84 223 $3,480 14,019 8
Illinois 5 248 484 $3,158 28,586 9
Indiana 4 178 336 $995 22,979 4
Iowa 2 122 317 $2,878 17,813 15
Kansas 4 213 557 $2,931 35,995 22
Maine 1 46 100 $2,159 5,540 3
Maryland 1 62 121 $1,699 8,250 10
Massachusetts 1 59 118 $850 7,798 5
Michigan 4 288 814 $8,508 53,323 38
Minnesota 1 135 266 $0 22,450 0
Mississippi 1 26 69 $270 3,608 2
Missouri 4 247 427 $2,712 28,177 10
New Brunswick 1 37 111 $259 7,584 1
New Hampshire 3 31 30 $252 1,979 0
New Jersey 1 85 170 $1,827 11,115 3
New Mexico 1 75 220 $2,615 15,585 9
New York 4 172 343 $1,779 21,547 5
North Carolina 1 69 250 $2,040 15,722 8
Ohio 2 223 582 $4,919 38,179 20
Ontario 4 252 304 $1,084 18,484 2
Oregon 2 300 1,021 $47,065 66,488 231
Pennsylvania 2 138 463 $200 30,043 6
South Carolina 1 33 62 $473 3,697 3
South Dakota 1 20 20 $129 1,819 0
Tennessee 1 60 118 $0 6,551 0
Texas 8 481 821 $6,354 52,533 20
Utah 2 74 208 $10,223 11,702 15
Virginia 3 181 341 $3,819 23,107 13
Washington 1 24 48 $160 2,977 0
West Virginia 1 128 256 $0 16,829 2
Wisconsin 3 177 349 $4,771 21,924 14

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 57 167 $736 13,542 0
Canada 6 390 711 $3,540 44,788 6
Estonia 1 41 36 $0 2,489 0
Finland 11 867 1,936 $6,815 131,985 26
Germany 1 62 215 $690 11,982 10
Norway 2 119 309 $7,126 21,496 28
Slovakia 1 60 177 $0 13,330 3
South Korea 1 36 71 $602 4,500 2
Sweden 4 410 1,087 $5,814 66,496 36
Switzerland 1 49 147 $0 6,843 11
United Kingdom 1 28 56 $0 3,494 0
United States 80 4,694 10,496 $123,387 673,769 503