StatMando Monday

From Monday 2019-07-22 to Sunday 2019-07-28, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2019-07-22
(click to change weeks)
(5,729 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:02 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 67 1,181 2,904 $97,194 175,555 956
FPO 33 139 364 $12,942 26,172 867
MP40 44 330 708 $19,993 43,914 925
MP50 25 150 333 $10,057 21,376 912
FP40 2 5 10 $365 742 854
FP50 1 2 4 $120 266 851
MP55 1 1 2 $26 118 848
MP60 5 16 33 $1,245 2,514 866
MP70 2 3 6 $270 499 785
MA1 63 1,085 3,376 $0 220,471 927
FA1 26 116 410 $0 30,340 816
MA2 61 928 1,916 $0 123,409 886
FA2 25 48 104 $0 8,152 747
MA3 59 790 1,652 $0 111,342 845
FA3 21 54 103 $0 8,103 712

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 16 30 $240 1,621 2
Alberta 1 8 16 $78 1,027 0
Arizona 1 15 30 $0 1,742 0
Arkansas 1 102 198 $2,519 11,896 7
British Columbia 1 41 80 $471 4,729 1
California 5 415 949 $11,553 63,467 28
Colorado 2 121 239 $6,833 15,904 14
Delaware 1 70 139 $0 9,527 1
Florida 2 37 54 $40 3,404 2
Georgia 1 57 168 $405 10,893 5
Idaho 1 45 88 $0 5,874 1
Illinois 2 108 216 $305 13,742 3
Indiana 1 121 358 $4,335 21,074 22
Iowa 2 147 288 $1,983 19,209 10
Kansas 1 66 132 $85 8,323 1
Kentucky 3 228 594 $42,028 40,698 147
Maine 1 122 244 $3,761 14,649 7
Michigan 6 269 529 $3,044 32,329 13
Minnesota 1 151 300 $4,680 22,245 15
Mississippi 1 58 116 $1,360 6,491 7
Missouri 2 140 199 $981 13,701 0
Montana 1 35 70 $902 3,889 3
Nebraska 1 5 10 $0 610 0
New Hampshire 1 9 9 $0 547 0
New Jersey 1 85 166 $745 10,068 2
North Carolina 2 118 235 $1,209 14,376 8
North Dakota 1 68 134 $2,456 10,541 2
Nova Scotia 1 31 92 $137 5,551 0
Ohio 1 48 95 $350 5,803 3
Oklahoma 2 92 183 $0 11,663 1
Ontario 3 166 277 $2,306 18,078 5
Oregon 2 75 211 $2,609 12,567 21
Pennsylvania 3 820 4,530 $505 299,660 82
South Carolina 1 38 75 $150 5,201 1
Tennessee 2 94 150 $2,135 8,704 7
Texas 5 398 989 $11,266 63,276 45
Utah 1 100 200 $1,195 13,133 6
Virginia 1 65 127 $1,027 8,726 11
Washington 1 211 414 $11,413 37,499 11
Wisconsin 3 204 405 $2,503 24,763 2

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 6 246 465 $2,992 29,385 6
Denmark 1 71 142 $981 9,229 3
Estonia 1 161 466 $8,391 31,822 17
Finland 5 215 570 $4,693 35,747 109
Germany 2 88 271 $479 13,932 15
Hungary 1 50 164 $0 7,754 4
Netherlands 1 9 32 $0 1,714 0
Norway 2 83 166 $0 11,128 2
South Korea 1 29 73 $320 6,722 1
Sweden 4 258 507 $1,739 31,728 14
United Kingdom 1 21 73 $0 4,091 0
United States 64 4,753 12,874 $122,617 847,815 490