StatMando Monday

From Monday 2023-04-03 to Sunday 2023-04-09, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2023-04-03
(click to change weeks)
(9,175 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2023-04-16 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 105 1,243 2,251 $98,778 128,352 955
FPO 28 120 287 $28,878 20,387 880
MP40 54 244 419 $8,594 25,126 920
MP50 19 71 118 $2,412 7,064 917
FP50 1 1 2 $177 157 805
MP55 2 2 4 $151 251 868
MP60 16 30 48 $1,202 3,028 873
MP70 2 7 14 $202 848 834
MA1 127 1,752 2,633 $0 145,829 915
FA1 53 198 307 $0 20,073 792
MA2 116 1,641 2,678 $0 156,348 885
FA2 46 100 177 $0 12,885 757
MA3 123 2,020 3,285 $0 203,944 846
FA3 49 104 178 $0 12,434 693

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 107 157 $346 11,160 2
Arizona 3 173 304 $0 9,681 6
Arkansas 4 214 214 $672 12,800 4
British Columbia 2 104 207 $501 14,037 2
California 3 212 488 $2,620 19,446 6
Colorado 3 412 496 $1,772 28,960 3
Connecticut 1 51 51 $0 2,755 0
Florida 10 720 930 $567 48,806 7
Georgia 3 230 455 $2,922 29,979 13
Idaho 2 126 249 $509 15,636 2
Illinois 1 151 302 $1,383 18,762 7
Indiana 3 172 342 $846 24,200 7
Iowa 4 405 638 $2,507 39,682 12
Kansas 6 374 679 $5,373 42,080 13
Kentucky 1 15 15 $60 853 0
Louisiana 2 77 154 $929 9,301 3
Massachusetts 1 116 116 $0 6,760 0
Michigan 7 439 864 $6,076 54,386 20
Missouri 5 438 698 $6,159 42,886 14
Montana 1 48 95 $0 5,808 0
Nebraska 1 81 161 $550 10,267 1
New Jersey 2 157 228 $420 15,456 0
New Mexico 1 72 72 $0 4,345 0
New York 1 144 144 $1,238 9,505 1
North Carolina 13 719 868 $2,884 50,387 30
Nova Scotia 2 85 164 $932 9,629 1
Ohio 7 528 873 $3,785 55,134 9
Oklahoma 3 110 115 $325 5,862 1
Oregon 1 72 144 $980 8,875 4
Pennsylvania 3 237 474 $3,480 29,314 6
South Carolina 1 30 25 $0 1,758 0
Tennessee 3 315 692 $81,350 43,439 237
Texas 14 582 701 $3,478 44,306 10
Utah 1 90 179 $0 10,329 1
Virginia 4 184 335 $408 20,915 1
Washington 5 289 443 $1,727 30,378 6
West Virginia 2 138 275 $1,236 17,117 5
Wisconsin 1 71 142 $760 8,060 5

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 4 189 371 $1,433 23,666 3
Czech Republic 1 85 254 $0 17,477 5
Estonia 1 91 182 $0 11,520 2
Finland 8 531 1,035 $472 59,612 14
France 1 85 249 $2,767 16,932 5
Germany 1 59 176 $0 10,934 11
Latvia 2 151 296 $0 19,570 0
Malaysia 1 30 56 $360 4,140 2
Spain 1 22 39 $0 0 0
Sweden 3 199 398 $0 28,364 3
Ukraine 1 13 38 $0 2,268 0
United Kingdom 1 44 0 $0 0 0
United States 125 8,299 13,118 $135,362 789,388 436