StatMando Monday

From Monday 2023-02-27 to Sunday 2023-03-05, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2023-02-27
(click to change weeks)
(8,973 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2023-03-12 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 96 1,408 2,981 $111,455 170,669 946
FPO 32 127 328 $16,783 22,870 851
MP40 49 432 1,021 $39,097 61,399 931
MP50 30 153 355 $17,613 23,536 920
FP40 4 10 27 $1,638 1,897 866
FP50 1 4 16 $1,100 1,098 866
FP55 1 1 2 $31 151 792
MP60 14 63 167 $9,413 9,364 906
FP60 1 1 2 $30 139 702
MP65 1 3 6 $120 350 841
MP70 1 1 2 $100 202 849
MA1 99 1,630 3,095 $0 186,316 912
FA1 48 137 288 $0 20,550 800
MA2 95 1,483 2,719 $0 161,331 883
FA2 32 86 182 $0 13,124 753
MA3 96 1,703 3,200 $0 197,506 846
FA3 34 61 105 $0 8,187 700

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 4 276 398 $5,653 24,894 5
Alberta 1 69 131 $658 8,263 0
Arizona 1 418 1,333 $68,679 84,424 159
Arkansas 3 202 262 $908 14,144 1
British Columbia 2 134 255 $1,094 14,129 8
California 3 331 702 $8,840 30,374 37
Colorado 2 201 400 $0 24,863 2
Florida 4 474 1,129 $2,574 72,355 9
Georgia 2 234 466 $6,595 29,426 16
Illinois 1 76 147 $510 9,082 4
Indiana 4 236 456 $360 27,780 0
Kansas 4 303 522 $3,544 31,493 7
Kentucky 2 227 452 $2,641 27,321 11
Louisiana 1 66 130 $0 0 1
Michigan 2 117 181 $4,269 10,551 14
Minnesota 2 174 348 $1,681 19,408 5
Mississippi 1 71 139 $407 8,836 3
Missouri 3 205 381 $2,090 21,712 6
Nebraska 3 237 237 $945 14,216 0
New Jersey 3 234 465 $1,228 31,310 2
New Mexico 2 173 478 $7,273 29,526 15
New York 1 37 74 $622 4,675 3
North Carolina 6 430 985 $2,678 64,368 15
Ohio 5 229 214 $231 5,580 2
Oklahoma 4 229 419 $1,499 25,239 5
Oregon 2 109 182 $712 11,826 3
Pennsylvania 3 276 436 $2,416 33,846 16
South Carolina 5 287 666 $2,832 36,390 17
Tennessee 5 473 791 $4,035 59,866 13
Texas 11 739 1,488 $33,619 88,646 86
Virginia 6 397 526 $8,109 37,453 26
Washington 2 160 320 $1,652 21,602 7
Wisconsin 2 176 338 $3,581 21,365 7

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 71 142 $342 8,877 3
Austria 1 59 118 $0 7,031 0
Belgium 1 42 84 $0 5,216 2
Canada 3 203 386 $1,752 22,392 8
Croatia 1 40 80 $0 4,892 0
Denmark 1 52 98 $0 6,334 0
Finland 1 90 180 $0 9,630 3
France 3 86 172 $0 11,806 0
Germany 1 50 100 $0 5,998 3
Japan 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Netherlands 2 82 162 $0 8,261 0
New Zealand 2 260 724 $11,902 49,712 16
Philippines 1 47 93 $0 7,274 0
Serbia 1 20 39 $0 2,056 0
Spain 3 227 650 $3,201 41,151 11
Sweden 5 270 459 $0 29,831 1
United Kingdom 2 101 201 $0 13,485 1
United States 99 7,797 15,065 $180,183 922,571 497