StatMando Monday

From Monday 2018-04-30 to Sunday 2018-05-06, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2018-04-30
(click to change weeks)
(6,266 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:56 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 78 1,288 2,953 $92,673 180,624 948
FPO 33 109 270 $9,474 20,043 854
MP40 46 404 1,007 $33,771 64,984 927
MP50 29 186 505 $16,437 31,576 919
FP40 2 12 45 $1,890 3,120 845
FP50 1 6 24 $1,085 1,546 881
MP55 1 3 6 $110 335 901
MP60 5 35 113 $5,207 7,323 908
FP60 1 3 12 $540 828 819
MA1 79 1,400 3,058 $0 200,379 913
FA1 36 132 295 $0 22,726 787
MA2 63 1,022 2,260 $0 150,714 878
FA2 25 69 168 $0 13,148 731
MA3 54 698 1,465 $0 100,194 848
FA3 18 41 98 $0 8,165 680

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alaska 1 44 87 $648 5,517 0
Alberta 1 77 219 $2,360 14,472 4
Arizona 2 99 195 $0 12,200 1
Arkansas 1 42 81 $560 4,761 0
British Columbia 1 77 241 $1,892 15,735 8
California 5 468 1,091 $10,791 86,131 44
Colorado 2 157 442 $6,095 26,997 19
Florida 1 216 635 $2,617 37,361 14
Georgia 2 88 238 $3,868 14,007 7
Indiana 1 258 1,011 $26,079 59,737 63
Iowa 4 105 223 $1,644 13,976 5
Kansas 1 39 149 $1,120 7,913 9
Kentucky 1 57 110 $1,831 7,041 3
Maryland 1 59 59 $0 3,403 1
Massachusetts 4 234 464 $4,625 28,205 6
Michigan 5 348 687 $6,270 52,448 17
Minnesota 2 143 284 $2,955 17,538 19
Missouri 1 89 174 $1,382 11,448 6
Montana 1 46 92 $1,135 5,381 1
Nebraska 2 90 174 $1,060 11,120 1
Nevada 1 54 106 $2,010 10,337 1
New Hampshire 1 75 150 $801 8,544 0
New Jersey 3 139 277 $4,021 17,267 15
New York 1 49 96 $380 6,030 2
North Carolina 5 253 504 $1,210 28,343 14
Ohio 1 59 115 $1,265 6,404 4
Oklahoma 1 51 100 $242 6,163 0
Ontario 1 123 366 $5,284 24,936 14
Oregon 3 283 637 $9,852 49,676 31
Pennsylvania 1 78 155 $775 11,521 4
South Carolina 2 136 272 $520 17,915 2
South Dakota 1 34 68 $665 3,857 0
Tennessee 2 214 473 $4,404 28,628 14
Texas 7 344 802 $28,878 48,462 101
Utah 1 26 50 $0 2,923 1
Virginia 1 133 405 $3,123 24,004 7
Washington 2 267 530 $7,770 50,490 31
West Virginia 2 60 119 $1,811 7,370 4
Wisconsin 2 268 535 $3,820 40,027 11

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 3 277 826 $9,536 55,143 26
Czech Republic 2 35 70 $0 4,483 6
Estonia 3 149 295 $0 17,734 1
Finland 6 399 809 $2,372 52,758 11
France 1 68 237 $478 13,477 5
Germany 1 38 76 $0 4,882 2
Iceland 1 44 143 $900 9,458 2
Japan 2 21 52 $380 3,994 3
Latvia 1 30 59 $0 3,640 0
Norway 3 147 286 $764 17,964 2
Slovakia 1 39 116 $0 8,327 1
Slovenia 1 27 53 $0 2,483 0
Sweden 3 150 389 $2,720 22,193 3
United Kingdom 1 8 16 $0 1,017 0
United States 74 5,105 11,590 $144,227 773,145 458