StatMando Monday

From Monday 2023-03-20 to Sunday 2023-03-26, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2023-03-20
(click to change weeks)
(12,227 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2023-04-02 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 129 2,023 4,067 $146,533 241,214 947
FPO 55 210 465 $21,114 30,992 870
MP40 70 550 1,213 $43,268 75,585 932
MP50 44 223 509 $17,574 31,136 917
FP40 9 17 37 $1,107 2,791 796
FP50 7 8 17 $458 1,244 767
MP55 3 26 43 $615 2,801 896
MP60 23 78 174 $5,155 10,959 888
FP60 1 1 2 $55 127 777
MP65 2 2 3 $64 205 852
FP65 1 1 0 $0 0 0
MP70 4 6 13 $628 735 840
MA1 137 2,037 3,913 $0 230,293 913
FA1 58 189 373 $0 27,103 801
MA2 133 2,246 4,203 $0 264,719 885
FA2 59 147 301 $0 23,101 764
MA3 135 2,539 4,795 $0 314,835 847
FA3 53 143 274 $0 21,164 703

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 3 198 389 $1,798 24,607 9
Alberta 1 65 130 $0 8,739 0
Arizona 3 229 473 $240 18,538 5
Arkansas 2 133 215 $1,011 13,540 2
California 7 854 2,051 $10,190 133,009 61
Colorado 4 228 525 $4,950 35,792 6
Florida 7 495 870 $45,207 56,563 103
Georgia 5 467 1,115 $3,339 69,939 12
Illinois 5 262 388 $641 24,355 3
Indiana 5 295 575 $3,340 38,841 13
Iowa 3 333 431 $1,284 28,447 6
Kansas 5 341 581 $7,780 37,972 23
Kentucky 5 233 431 $11,221 27,760 30
Louisiana 1 196 574 $4,850 36,603 6
Maryland 1 51 102 $514 7,257 0
Massachusetts 1 111 110 $468 7,150 1
Michigan 3 273 654 $1,557 40,517 9
Minnesota 2 159 255 $1,325 16,518 0
Mississippi 1 143 285 $3,527 17,684 7
Missouri 6 556 923 $10,314 61,221 39
Nebraska 2 172 341 $886 23,059 3
Nevada 3 256 415 $387 10,287 6
New Jersey 2 137 269 $925 16,669 3
New York 4 302 463 $9,433 32,987 20
North Carolina 9 746 1,657 $9,385 103,455 32
Nova Scotia 1 55 110 $463 8,719 0
Ohio 5 424 817 $4,555 53,193 18
Oklahoma 5 373 624 $2,413 32,219 10
Oregon 5 308 733 $6,295 48,454 34
Pennsylvania 2 184 252 $1,042 18,715 1
South Carolina 4 212 405 $1,763 31,279 5
South Dakota 1 65 65 $176 3,883 0
Tennessee 3 180 351 $1,522 22,391 2
Texas 24 1,678 3,285 $75,704 211,414 252
Virginia 4 223 345 $992 20,639 7
Washington 3 280 559 $1,210 34,421 12
Wisconsin 2 159 239 $2,005 15,800 7
Wyoming 1 55 54 $252 4,431 1

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 46 92 $714 6,430 1
Cambodia 1 7 14 $80 870 0
Canada 2 120 240 $463 17,458 0
China 1 23 69 $0 4,489 0
Colombia 1 17 34 $0 2,206 0
Czech Republic 2 108 215 $0 13,133 3
Denmark 3 252 493 $553 33,826 2
Estonia 1 85 170 $0 12,221 2
Finland 3 169 334 $606 20,381 7
France 2 53 133 $377 9,991 2
Germany 4 177 516 $0 31,917 19
Italy 1 45 90 $0 4,651 0
Latvia 1 55 55 $0 3,480 0
Lithuania 2 119 238 $985 16,732 0
Spain 1 16 24 $0 0 0
Sweden 4 361 705 $206 44,598 1
Switzerland 1 42 84 $0 5,162 3
United Kingdom 3 133 229 $0 14,338 0
United States 149 11,339 21,869 $232,587 1,382,826 748