StatMando Monday

From Monday 2019-10-28 to Sunday 2019-11-03, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2019-10-28
(click to change weeks)
(3,994 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:03 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 58 714 1,660 $50,632 96,512 955
FPO 16 56 140 $3,715 9,691 839
MP40 34 192 450 $14,423 26,387 939
MP50 16 65 163 $5,350 9,798 926
FP40 2 8 19 $762 1,304 809
FP50 1 4 8 $346 551 864
MP55 1 1 3 $115 184 913
MP60 5 16 48 $1,525 3,007 892
MA1 57 669 1,518 $0 92,879 919
FA1 22 68 150 $0 11,121 800
MA2 56 757 1,703 $0 107,066 886
FA2 21 52 117 $0 8,543 741
MA3 53 654 1,404 $0 92,504 838
FA3 19 58 114 $0 9,151 688

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 143 284 $2,584 17,306 10
Arizona 1 85 166 $2,294 12,098 1
Arkansas 1 37 74 $1,091 4,851 1
British Columbia 2 91 175 $905 10,348 7
California 1 107 335 $4,706 19,191 26
Florida 3 240 705 $7,881 45,229 31
Georgia 3 174 345 $300 23,575 2
Indiana 3 235 468 $4,609 28,083 18
Iowa 1 41 82 $371 4,961 0
Kansas 2 128 193 $1,187 11,357 6
Kentucky 1 46 91 $50 5,631 0
Maine 1 60 119 $380 7,217 5
Massachusetts 2 126 248 $1,420 15,422 5
Michigan 2 152 302 $2,145 19,319 9
Minnesota 1 17 34 $195 2,241 1
Mississippi 1 35 103 $1,320 5,724 2
Missouri 2 111 221 $2,297 13,483 16
Nebraska 1 43 43 $155 3,599 0
New Jersey 1 54 108 $335 7,167 0
New York 2 97 191 $1,745 11,893 3
North Carolina 2 172 340 $2,794 20,488 19
Oklahoma 1 85 255 $5,530 17,970 19
Oregon 2 135 269 $3,650 18,267 32
Pennsylvania 2 133 262 $2,383 17,326 8
South Carolina 2 102 339 $2,005 18,517 14
Tennessee 3 209 510 $6,603 29,492 18
Texas 3 153 299 $4,123 19,537 13
Utah 1 44 88 $198 5,031 3
Virginia 3 269 733 $5,844 46,874 30
Washington 1 37 74 $1,020 3,910 2
West Virginia 1 55 110 $136 7,389 1
Wisconsin 3 131 260 $2,231 16,518 4

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 87 336 $1,645 24,763 4
Canada 2 91 175 $905 10,348 7
Croatia 1 68 210 $0 14,569 3
Denmark 1 59 115 $493 7,448 5
Finland 2 91 182 $215 11,328 1
France 1 79 156 $467 11,712 5
Netherlands 1 38 74 $0 4,831 0
Spain 1 111 329 $1,561 20,559 19
United States 55 3,456 7,651 $71,582 479,666 299