StatMando Monday

From Monday 2021-08-16 to Sunday 2021-08-22, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2021-08-16
(click to change weeks)
(9,955 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:12 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 98 1,634 3,863 $130,340 228,453 943
FPO 44 185 489 $18,936 32,982 857
MP40 51 420 1,022 $37,000 64,559 923
MP50 39 265 639 $17,592 40,273 906
FP40 5 15 38 $1,952 2,835 818
FP50 2 5 14 $638 847 842
MP55 1 9 27 $1,640 1,847 936
MP60 14 70 183 $5,620 12,059 886
MP70 3 3 10 $230 732 818
FP70 1 2 4 $108 403 407
MA1 97 1,686 4,691 $0 291,052 922
FA1 41 215 679 $0 44,541 825
MA2 101 1,726 3,664 $0 226,892 880
FA2 39 162 369 $0 27,771 757
MA3 97 1,698 3,185 $0 207,352 844
FA3 53 141 281 $0 21,730 699

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 3 174 315 $3,124 17,954 7
Alaska 1 27 53 $405 3,438 1
Alberta 2 57 146 $384 9,168 5
Arizona 1 156 164 $5,180 23,547 13
Arkansas 2 83 132 $1,891 8,206 3
British Columbia 1 58 116 $0 7,190 2
California 3 345 673 $13,789 42,610 45
Colorado 1 102 248 $2,300 16,181 0
Florida 1 746 4,690 $0 284,170 90
Georgia 3 122 188 $646 12,464 4
Idaho 2 289 764 $14,273 56,924 34
Illinois 4 345 524 $3,639 35,754 14
Indiana 5 335 782 $458 48,271 8
Iowa 4 256 509 $1,317 31,464 3
Kansas 3 77 106 $578 6,283 2
Kentucky 3 261 510 $1,279 31,804 5
Louisiana 1 44 88 $528 5,379 2
Maine 1 195 550 $12,920 33,557 28
Manitoba 1 37 74 $199 5,556 1
Maryland 1 63 126 $0 7,221 0
Massachusetts 1 81 158 $2,224 9,651 4
Michigan 8 406 773 $4,363 46,661 22
Minnesota 3 284 786 $13,292 46,987 36
Missouri 1 71 142 $582 8,714 2
Montana 1 66 130 $3,580 9,445 5
Nebraska 2 93 252 $3,895 15,877 8
New Jersey 1 122 354 $27,179 22,232 83
New York 2 218 618 $9,125 39,016 21
North Carolina 4 243 459 $1,536 29,657 10
Nova Scotia 1 16 48 $1,417 2,668 0
Ohio 2 139 351 $16,160 23,590 29
Oklahoma 2 103 148 $2,030 8,819 1
Ontario 3 360 975 $8,874 60,278 27
Oregon 6 301 637 $6,149 41,869 24
Pennsylvania 5 307 595 $2,846 40,783 16
South Carolina 2 170 389 $1,786 22,074 6
Tennessee 2 186 363 $3,356 22,074 13
Texas 10 675 801 $2,487 49,253 10
Utah 1 26 52 $0 3,227 0
Virginia 3 237 470 $2,426 27,036 10
Washington 3 329 718 $9,551 45,475 33
Wisconsin 2 227 657 $13,425 39,562 31

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Austria 2 59 228 $0 11,312 4
Canada 8 528 1,359 $10,874 84,860 35
Croatia 1 17 34 $0 2,188 0
Czech Republic 1 69 206 $0 12,805 8
Denmark 1 80 237 $837 15,502 4
Estonia 2 212 521 $0 37,166 5
Finland 7 435 986 $2,515 61,351 17
Germany 1 50 197 $1,093 12,003 4
Latvia 1 51 102 $0 6,109 0
Netherlands 1 36 71 $0 3,422 0
Norway 4 233 582 $4,460 36,372 5
Sweden 11 777 1,714 $5,958 108,046 23
United States 100 7,904 19,275 $188,319 1,217,229 623