StatMando Monday

From Monday 2018-09-24 to Sunday 2018-09-30, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2018-09-24
(click to change weeks)
(4,618 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:58 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 69 1,049 2,546 $59,392 153,133 940
FPO 33 115 313 $5,732 21,319 846
MP40 43 354 898 $20,529 54,402 922
MP50 21 122 329 $6,616 21,013 906
FP40 4 15 30 $739 2,138 826
MP60 7 16 49 $1,119 2,920 877
MP65 1 1 3 $100 189 834
MA1 61 752 1,798 $0 110,031 918
FA1 24 64 150 $0 11,268 788
MA2 56 820 1,921 $0 121,641 886
FA2 20 54 145 $0 10,588 737
MA3 57 637 1,411 $0 91,903 850
FA3 19 43 98 $0 7,391 691

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alaska 1 22 88 $260 4,872 5
Arkansas 1 75 223 $2,104 12,624 2
California 4 376 1,246 $11,365 86,797 59
Colorado 2 166 329 $4,222 20,851 14
Connecticut 1 64 127 $1,328 7,525 3
Georgia 1 58 57 $275 4,392 2
Idaho 2 240 735 $10,979 44,716 28
Indiana 2 103 295 $995 18,815 9
Iowa 2 23 46 $231 2,993 0
Kansas 1 36 68 $0 3,880 4
Kentucky 2 153 447 $7,736 26,726 32
Louisiana 1 43 86 $490 5,189 2
Manitoba 1 33 66 $150 4,358 0
Michigan 5 267 565 $2,289 32,537 11
Minnesota 1 122 240 $4,190 17,533 12
Mississippi 2 147 291 $4,583 17,487 12
Missouri 2 225 752 $5,411 44,508 27
New Hampshire 3 215 559 $7,065 35,061 17
New Jersey 1 74 144 $2,133 10,052 4
New York 1 58 114 $690 7,924 5
North Carolina 2 106 211 $1,200 12,676 3
Ohio 2 103 206 $1,370 12,927 18
Ontario 1 20 40 $459 2,654 1
Oregon 3 69 140 $1,385 8,405 4
Pennsylvania 2 63 107 $15 6,839 0
South Carolina 1 71 137 $580 8,454 3
Texas 4 213 371 $2,749 23,261 11
Utah 1 20 20 $0 1,241 1
Virginia 4 185 546 $4,880 32,356 24
West Virginia 1 70 216 $4,680 13,002 11
Wisconsin 5 192 362 $1,517 23,380 7

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Belgium 1 16 32 $0 2,210 2
Canada 2 53 106 $609 7,012 1
Czech Republic 1 94 282 $1,222 20,746 6
Estonia 2 111 303 $3,610 19,628 6
Finland 8 370 723 $2,823 50,003 13
Germany 3 88 240 $0 11,605 5
Norway 3 121 236 $0 16,121 2
Serbia 1 20 39 $0 2,523 0
Slovakia 1 36 108 $0 8,275 0
Sweden 5 232 462 $889 29,168 5
Switzerland 1 38 113 $0 5,098 6
United Kingdom 1 34 127 $0 7,639 1
United States 61 3,602 8,814 $85,074 551,927 331