StatMando Monday

From Monday 2018-08-06 to Sunday 2018-08-12, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2018-08-06
(click to change weeks)
(4,851 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:58 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 59 1,149 3,054 $125,977 183,666 947
FPO 33 121 331 $16,281 21,702 855
MP40 37 286 741 $17,652 45,800 919
MP50 19 110 286 $8,577 18,324 903
FP40 6 18 47 $1,753 3,402 834
FP50 2 4 10 $180 841 753
MP55 3 5 9 $218 624 903
MP60 10 29 79 $2,507 5,785 842
FP60 1 2 6 $40 570 677
MA1 51 793 1,893 $0 118,541 917
FA1 30 91 213 $0 15,464 807
MA2 48 833 1,930 $0 122,714 887
FA2 17 47 102 $0 7,449 762
MA3 45 770 1,892 $0 123,499 857
FA3 17 56 127 $0 9,550 725

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 7 14 $0 833 0
Alberta 1 47 138 $898 9,593 0
Arizona 1 72 143 $3,270 13,604 9
Arkansas 1 75 145 $752 8,333 4
British Columbia 1 24 69 $760 4,121 1
California 2 105 207 $2,400 13,487 7
Colorado 2 181 581 $4,680 35,761 20
Connecticut 1 54 105 $985 6,826 3
Florida 1 81 147 $795 7,869 5
Illinois 3 1,012 3,064 $102,263 186,450 290
Iowa 2 90 180 $1,113 9,660 1
Kansas 3 14 28 $363 1,554 0
Kentucky 2 108 212 $1,949 13,088 5
Maine 1 81 250 $0 13,897 0
Maryland 1 42 81 $328 4,558 1
Massachusetts 1 55 110 $1,156 10,172 5
Michigan 5 260 511 $3,115 36,512 7
Minnesota 1 83 162 $884 9,077 8
Missouri 1 41 81 $1,205 4,064 2
Montana 1 44 131 $1,820 7,496 9
New Brunswick 1 19 57 $267 3,642 2
New Hampshire 1 70 139 $933 10,562 0
New Jersey 2 89 166 $1,248 9,807 6
North Carolina 1 66 132 $390 7,839 3
North Dakota 1 39 106 $989 8,096 5
Ohio 1 62 185 $1,980 11,698 5
Ontario 1 77 150 $870 8,535 6
Oregon 1 92 183 $5,460 12,345 14
Pennsylvania 2 86 142 $1,070 10,196 4
South Carolina 1 48 188 $1,231 11,241 16
Tennessee 1 13 26 $0 1,599 0
Texas 4 288 654 $4,382 40,103 18
Utah 1 72 212 $9,993 12,351 10
Vermont 1 19 38 $310 2,161 1
Virginia 1 48 96 $1,165 7,417 0
Washington 2 174 408 $5,275 32,320 16
Wisconsin 2 134 264 $2,571 15,183 14

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 25 50 $73 2,925 0
Canada 4 167 414 $2,795 25,891 9
Czech Republic 1 32 64 $0 3,697 0
Estonia 2 78 156 $0 10,459 0
Finland 7 431 1,114 $3,228 74,908 17
Germany 1 51 200 $0 11,495 4
Hungary 1 35 110 $0 5,821 3
Iceland 1 26 104 $0 6,592 0
Lithuania 1 29 57 $120 4,165 0
Norway 2 95 303 $260 17,445 4
Sweden 5 335 662 $2,634 41,348 12
United Kingdom 1 27 79 $0 4,913 1
United States 52 3,705 9,091 $164,075 576,159 488