StatMando Monday

From Monday 2022-04-11 to Sunday 2022-04-17, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2022-04-11
(click to change weeks)
(9,063 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-21 18:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 96 1,348 2,744 $142,463 167,555 953
FPO 41 166 403 $42,796 29,192 871
MP40 43 267 527 $15,922 33,047 927
MP50 22 124 276 $9,620 17,728 912
FP40 6 16 31 $135 2,582 795
FP50 1 1 2 $44 191 594
MP55 1 1 1 $15 69 729
MP60 7 23 44 $1,769 3,056 880
FP60 1 1 2 $38 143 762
MA1 99 1,391 2,648 $0 163,915 917
FA1 36 108 222 $0 15,501 811
MA2 98 1,868 3,440 $0 218,723 886
FA2 40 125 239 $0 18,280 756
MA3 100 2,020 3,559 $0 233,935 845
FA3 41 146 268 $0 20,554 713

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 196 291 $1,071 18,112 7
Arkansas 2 128 193 $2,368 13,030 16
British Columbia 1 55 108 $0 7,075 1
California 2 145 288 $0 17,102 2
Delaware 1 16 16 $0 1,150 0
Florida 4 340 629 $1,285 37,935 2
Georgia 3 340 834 $133,302 53,937 292
Idaho 2 134 260 $1,348 18,189 4
Indiana 3 214 303 $285 22,107 1
Iowa 3 277 404 $587 24,878 4
Kansas 2 191 258 $594 15,146 1
Kentucky 1 54 108 $422 6,868 0
Louisiana 4 37 48 $387 2,906 1
Maryland 1 60 117 $748 7,626 4
Massachusetts 1 82 315 $0 19,263 11
Michigan 9 618 1,177 $4,634 80,486 16
Minnesota 2 215 424 $3,049 26,097 15
Missouri 5 454 761 $6,871 47,850 25
Montana 1 65 130 $980 7,821 4
Nebraska 1 99 194 $6,110 12,789 10
New Hampshire 3 184 274 $1,425 16,711 4
New Jersey 2 141 282 $0 19,321 3
New Mexico 1 35 68 $0 4,156 0
New York 2 151 223 $824 15,379 3
North Carolina 9 575 1,005 $1,961 63,183 12
Ohio 2 185 365 $620 26,056 3
Oklahoma 3 174 343 $1,831 22,805 19
Oregon 2 170 338 $925 21,722 10
Pennsylvania 1 90 180 $1,265 10,739 7
South Carolina 3 236 499 $1,890 31,187 11
South Dakota 1 75 150 $1,100 10,401 2
Tennessee 3 589 1,620 $12,857 94,497 27
Texas 12 953 1,486 $9,383 95,633 11
Utah 1 45 87 $138 5,196 4
Virginia 3 236 455 $627 30,733 6
Washington 3 390 690 $9,499 51,556 48
Wisconsin 1 81 162 $839 10,283 7

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Belgium 1 39 76 $0 5,219 3
Canada 1 55 108 $0 7,075 1
Czech Republic 1 68 136 $475 9,365 5
Estonia 1 135 267 $0 21,557 0
Finland 6 474 933 $1,025 63,810 8
Latvia 2 115 230 $216 15,325 2
New Zealand 1 35 105 $236 7,130 3
Norway 3 134 293 $204 16,577 1
Spain 1 60 179 $1,421 12,981 2
Sweden 5 422 784 $0 52,706 5
Thailand 1 14 28 $0 1,826 0
United Kingdom 2 50 99 $0 5,970 1
United States 101 7,975 14,977 $209,225 962,850 592