StatMando Monday

From Monday 2020-10-26 to Sunday 2020-11-01, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2020-10-26
(click to change weeks)
(5,276 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:07 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 66 929 1,913 $62,500 112,099 950
FPO 22 82 194 $8,907 13,141 866
MP40 38 269 575 $15,756 35,271 934
MP50 22 115 233 $8,084 14,466 921
FP50 1 1 2 $48 128 833
MP55 1 1 2 $95 123 901
MP60 4 12 26 $681 1,643 883
MP65 1 1 2 $95 140 818
MA1 60 852 1,702 $0 108,629 918
FA1 33 86 178 $0 13,117 802
MA2 64 1,035 2,046 $0 135,562 883
FA2 34 106 210 $0 15,768 747
MA3 65 949 1,865 $0 125,760 844
FA3 22 44 85 $0 7,134 670

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 134 268 $1,100 15,454 6
Alberta 1 43 43 $253 2,849 1
Arizona 1 111 219 $3,063 19,084 12
California 3 311 620 $5,863 35,155 29
Colorado 3 243 357 $3,374 25,732 7
Florida 2 232 557 $1,295 37,444 7
Georgia 1 186 370 $5,734 26,194 14
Indiana 5 270 515 $3,363 36,723 16
Iowa 2 140 206 $653 13,146 2
Kentucky 1 68 133 $1,670 8,662 7
Louisiana 2 194 514 $6,433 33,061 18
Maine 1 149 294 $2,348 18,841 10
Maryland 1 38 38 $77 2,498 3
Michigan 2 81 159 $2,100 10,596 9
Minnesota 3 333 484 $4,788 31,724 14
Missouri 4 260 512 $2,247 32,236 8
Nebraska 2 79 132 $592 9,974 3
New Brunswick 1 29 58 $232 3,796 0
New Hampshire 1 76 150 $1,244 9,066 3
New Jersey 1 67 134 $620 8,994 1
New York 1 42 84 $448 4,977 3
North Carolina 1 94 180 $1,206 10,627 6
Ohio 1 106 210 $1,405 12,330 4
Oklahoma 2 237 662 $11,948 40,908 51
Oregon 3 165 326 $2,114 24,232 2
Pennsylvania 4 259 506 $2,315 32,655 17
South Carolina 1 149 440 $12,262 29,405 51
Tennessee 2 135 263 $2,175 17,387 14
Texas 5 280 513 $2,204 36,410 6
Virginia 5 289 456 $4,851 29,383 22
Washington 2 85 165 $1,470 10,492 4
Wisconsin 1 78 152 $1,930 10,200 2
Wyoming 1 35 70 $0 4,347 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 2 72 101 $485 6,645 1
China 1 24 71 $905 3,389 0
Denmark 1 86 248 $814 16,213 3
Finland 4 208 350 $1,024 22,027 4
Germany 1 36 108 $0 5,252 4
Sweden 1 53 106 $129 6,268 0
Ukraine 1 17 51 $0 3,174 0
United Kingdom 1 72 252 $1,917 15,356 3
United States 66 4,926 9,689 $90,892 637,937 351