StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-10-21 to Sunday 2024-10-27, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-10-21
(click to change weeks)
(10,617 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-10-31 12:15 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 154 1,743 3,924 $87,880 199,881 945
FPO 55 165 386 $9,840 25,743 853
MP40 84 572 1,295 $34,124 70,706 927
MP50 40 158 352 $9,473 21,505 917
FP40 13 24 53 $890 3,808 805
FP50 3 6 22 $818 1,050 847
MP60 24 87 210 $6,535 13,660 891
FP60 1 1 3 $110 216 749
MP65 1 3 9 $389 485 870
MA1 153 1,724 4,148 $0 170,781 907
FA1 48 114 287 $0 14,835 795
MA2 141 1,424 3,032 $0 152,292 887
FA2 42 112 232 $0 14,891 760
MA3 148 1,964 4,046 $0 215,588 852
FA3 45 83 153 $0 9,961 708

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 4 438 1,146 $8,250 55,751 37
Alberta 1 20 40 $29 3,177 1
Arizona 1 17 70 $0 0 0
Arkansas 2 74 148 $4,320 9,329 6
British Columbia 3 215 498 $2,863 35,210 15
California 12 643 1,400 $8,942 61,267 44
Colorado 5 235 671 $2,170 16,572 23
Connecticut 3 145 290 $995 17,804 4
Florida 6 447 784 $2,416 49,290 26
Georgia 8 528 1,326 $5,432 59,744 34
Idaho 1 80 160 $400 10,364 3
Illinois 6 414 716 $1,746 39,836 34
Indiana 8 267 525 $1,380 18,525 20
Iowa 1 64 65 $380 3,525 3
Kansas 4 97 203 $168 6,324 0
Kentucky 4 173 513 $728 9,119 7
Louisiana 1 61 124 $0 7,724 1
Maryland 1 75 150 $495 9,400 2
Michigan 7 313 719 $6,259 32,302 33
Minnesota 3 107 220 $1,339 12,667 2
Mississippi 1 30 60 $385 3,957 3
Missouri 8 660 1,066 $3,373 50,481 19
Montana 1 56 113 $1,280 8,130 2
Nebraska 2 104 104 $452 7,629 3
Nevada 2 215 633 $12,781 35,416 19
New Brunswick 1 49 126 $346 5,886 0
New Hampshire 1 58 113 $1,485 7,088 3
New Jersey 1 23 46 $825 3,458 0
New York 3 222 279 $1,235 19,385 5
North Carolina 10 489 1,226 $17,979 65,694 76
North Dakota 1 12 26 $0 1,510 0
Nova Scotia 1 63 128 $432 8,021 0
Ohio 8 520 1,275 $924 45,543 22
Oklahoma 2 302 885 $17,071 52,895 77
Ontario 4 206 498 $1,136 23,048 3
Oregon 2 129 307 $3,283 18,401 14
Pennsylvania 6 306 620 $4,761 42,710 15
Prince Edward Island 1 33 101 $432 6,880 1
Quebec 1 22 70 $0 0 0
South Carolina 5 139 371 $12,229 15,608 39
South Dakota 2 97 194 $0 14,461 2
Tennessee 4 147 250 $835 14,003 2
Texas 16 902 1,699 $9,033 92,868 41
Utah 2 137 212 $540 11,458 0
Virginia 4 224 530 $5,366 26,984 16
Washington 2 132 266 $816 16,455 2
Wisconsin 2 181 360 $3,304 24,954 19
Wyoming 1 15 16 $114 944 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Austria 1 23 45 $0 2,764 1
Canada 12 608 1,461 $5,238 82,222 20
China 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Croatia 1 68 201 $0 12,803 6
Czech Republic 2 75 151 $0 9,124 1
Denmark 2 129 257 $0 16,667 2
Estonia 1 190 380 $0 26,206 13
Finland 5 245 482 $410 29,593 12
Germany 4 154 412 $0 25,497 5
Japan 1 64 260 $0 13,682 22
Latvia 1 62 126 $0 8,436 1
Mexico 1 12 11 $0 629 0
Netherlands 1 40 79 $0 3,112 0
Norway 2 63 113 $425 7,585 2
South Africa 1 20 41 $0 2,537 0
Sweden 4 246 393 $499 25,364 4
Switzerland 1 31 62 $0 3,585 1
Ukraine 1 14 45 $60 2,888 1
United Kingdom 1 44 90 $0 4,996 1
United States 163 9,278 19,881 $143,491 999,575 658
Zambia 1 0 0 $0 0 0