StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-04-15 to Sunday 2024-04-21, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-04-15
(click to change weeks)
(15,139 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-04-28 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 183 2,432 5,088 $147,328 292,447 947
FPO 70 314 705 $34,390 48,939 861
MP40 107 737 1,514 $24,711 94,025 916
MP50 66 355 761 $13,189 46,121 908
FP40 19 52 109 $1,079 7,384 793
FP50 5 11 22 $544 1,386 838
FP55 1 3 6 $37 388 805
MP60 32 103 254 $4,746 14,879 886
FP60 2 7 17 $256 1,189 752
MP65 3 8 19 $419 1,186 870
MP70 3 6 20 $321 963 839
FP70 1 1 2 $13 129 807
MA1 204 2,369 4,946 $0 254,270 910
FA1 81 210 443 $0 30,345 799
MA2 183 2,354 4,451 $0 268,575 884
FA2 58 147 271 $0 19,707 759
MA3 191 2,916 5,411 $0 335,147 850
FA3 61 138 271 $0 19,440 703

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 4 234 523 $522 26,521 14
Alberta 2 118 239 $0 17,134 2
Arizona 4 94 153 $720 4,472 0
Arkansas 3 154 240 $1,712 15,845 5
British Columbia 3 97 198 $409 12,002 0
California 9 820 1,891 $7,675 116,880 52
Colorado 7 444 564 $1,266 33,496 4
Connecticut 3 269 398 $4,706 23,936 7
Florida 6 374 856 $3,321 52,386 20
Georgia 9 570 1,201 $3,392 54,370 14
Idaho 1 90 180 $3,730 11,171 5
Illinois 7 382 664 $2,056 38,789 19
Indiana 5 240 320 $462 20,297 4
Iowa 7 359 606 $1,506 36,940 5
Kansas 7 332 643 $2,333 31,146 13
Kentucky 7 309 659 $2,218 23,306 14
Louisiana 1 55 112 $660 6,737 5
Maryland 4 124 272 $1,910 14,204 9
Massachusetts 2 197 266 $1,298 17,137 2
Michigan 9 579 1,271 $2,292 66,371 19
Minnesota 3 472 940 $12,649 58,100 43
Mississippi 1 67 135 $448 8,262 0
Missouri 3 303 606 $6,950 37,956 27
Montana 1 88 178 $3,184 9,693 1
Nebraska 2 167 266 $5,843 18,436 12
New Hampshire 3 248 497 $5,237 31,451 20
New Jersey 2 114 226 $323 13,713 0
New Mexico 1 31 62 $475 4,358 2
New York 7 310 766 $4,533 39,129 12
North Carolina 15 826 1,549 $6,070 90,886 37
North Dakota 2 44 92 $0 6,819 1
Nova Scotia 1 57 170 $0 10,555 1
Ohio 8 472 832 $4,834 43,411 21
Oklahoma 9 342 615 $1,645 28,667 1
Ontario 2 135 269 $1,155 19,960 9
Oregon 2 188 482 $10,146 29,760 24
Pennsylvania 7 418 916 $1,777 57,147 6
South Carolina 7 251 419 $518 20,729 3
South Dakota 2 75 76 $0 5,729 0
Tennessee 10 671 1,129 $82,967 65,711 267
Texas 14 765 1,411 $13,692 83,625 60
Utah 2 130 258 $128 17,561 4
Vermont 1 29 58 $344 3,621 2
Virginia 7 207 424 $2,240 20,928 5
Washington 5 429 825 $4,789 53,528 34
West Virginia 1 66 134 $0 8,494 2
Wisconsin 6 548 779 $656 53,289 4

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 108 219 $26 17,788 1
Austria 1 70 208 $0 14,181 4
Belgium 1 90 267 $0 18,256 8
Belize 1 17 36 $150 2,410 1
Canada 8 407 876 $1,564 59,651 12
China 1 1 2 $0 35 0
Colombia 1 8 9 $0 694 0
Czech Republic 2 69 140 $0 10,044 2
Denmark 4 240 412 $0 26,506 3
Estonia 1 103 208 $0 13,855 8
Finland 7 445 875 $2,424 54,748 16
France 1 77 227 $979 16,092 10
Germany 5 202 497 $0 27,309 22
Hungary 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Iceland 1 46 135 $0 9,067 1
Japan 1 60 243 $0 13,223 19
Latvia 1 177 354 $0 24,769 0
Norway 7 420 849 $439 54,318 4
Poland 1 81 244 $0 19,335 2
Puerto Rico 1 22 63 $55 3,599 0
Spain 1 25 77 $0 3,729 1
Sweden 10 657 1,425 $10,134 94,810 18
Switzerland 1 60 183 $0 11,697 9
Ukraine 1 17 53 $240 3,239 0
United Kingdom 1 40 121 $0 6,945 0
United States 216 12,887 24,494 $211,227 1,405,007 799