StatMando Monday

From Monday 2023-08-14 to Sunday 2023-08-20, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2023-08-14
(click to change weeks)
(15,118 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2023-08-27 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 194 2,811 5,724 $184,958 310,723 949
FPO 77 354 876 $57,131 57,188 855
MP40 98 679 1,379 $34,520 82,115 911
MP50 46 209 447 $12,070 27,416 905
FP40 11 19 50 $1,441 3,341 816
FP50 1 6 12 $663 790 800
MP55 2 8 20 $1,045 1,320 868
MP60 22 55 133 $4,769 8,571 897
FP60 1 1 3 $106 190 800
MP65 2 7 14 $721 824 876
MP70 2 2 5 $135 292 871
MA1 175 2,807 5,493 $0 278,338 913
FA1 75 256 561 $0 38,454 799
MA2 171 2,403 4,881 $0 287,136 886
FA2 63 174 389 $0 27,006 764
MA3 183 2,983 5,642 $0 334,612 852
FA3 59 162 305 $0 21,856 722

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 23 46 $0 2,473 0
Alaska 1 74 142 $1,520 8,264 4
Alberta 2 78 219 $1,314 14,492 0
Arizona 1 112 333 $20,439 22,042 25
Arkansas 2 100 97 $220 5,210 1
British Columbia 4 206 544 $1,801 31,861 4
California 8 759 1,325 $7,065 59,763 50
Colorado 5 354 741 $847 41,188 11
Connecticut 1 151 445 $10,982 29,776 41
Delaware 1 46 91 $0 5,822 0
Florida 1 26 20 $0 0 1
Georgia 6 294 489 $477 19,437 9
Idaho 3 318 833 $18,065 49,414 34
Illinois 6 368 598 $2,766 39,412 13
Indiana 6 321 633 $2,938 38,698 9
Iowa 6 305 639 $2,449 36,726 5
Kansas 2 112 182 $967 10,665 3
Kentucky 4 317 725 $916 54,303 15
Louisiana 1 73 143 $384 8,151 4
Maine 2 120 181 $1,164 11,464 5
Manitoba 2 70 140 $0 7,499 1
Maryland 2 91 126 $60 9,495 2
Massachusetts 2 84 168 $622 10,784 0
Michigan 10 1,402 3,389 $100,459 179,500 245
Minnesota 3 269 697 $2,142 49,226 2
Mississippi 1 84 167 $1,520 9,270 5
Missouri 8 453 580 $4,353 21,724 12
Montana 1 21 42 $270 2,470 0
Nevada 1 7 4 $0 0 0
New Brunswick 5 96 275 $1,031 16,989 3
New Jersey 3 144 247 $745 10,597 3
New Mexico 1 141 277 $0 20,500 11
New York 3 357 707 $4,216 46,381 8
North Carolina 9 560 1,208 $7,674 72,377 54
Ohio 1 39 39 $144 1,818 0
Oklahoma 6 273 451 $5,576 26,531 13
Ontario 2 173 784 $5,620 60,420 19
Oregon 4 138 243 $1,181 15,471 1
Pennsylvania 8 433 808 $2,266 27,855 9
South Carolina 4 220 315 $107 15,953 2
South Dakota 1 45 88 $228 5,837 3
Tennessee 4 365 735 $9,289 43,963 22
Texas 21 975 1,282 $7,053 78,704 20
Utah 3 143 264 $34 16,074 2
Vermont 2 135 247 $0 8,445 3
Virginia 3 48 77 $40 4,228 1
Washington 6 474 1,075 $11,756 50,539 42
West Virginia 2 126 209 $376 13,136 2
Wisconsin 10 464 874 $6,685 52,024 15

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 33 65 $421 3,921 1
Austria 1 16 78 $0 4,352 0
Belize 1 24 48 $200 3,373 0
Canada 15 623 1,962 $9,766 131,261 27
Croatia 1 22 43 $0 2,666 0
Czech Republic 2 83 134 $0 11,038 0
Denmark 1 305 903 $0 58,318 1
Estonia 7 387 1,007 $27,368 66,539 199
Finland 18 1,207 2,343 $11,579 121,666 87
Germany 1 34 68 $0 4,236 3
Iceland 2 140 290 $0 19,065 1
Japan 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Latvia 1 30 60 $0 4,053 0
Mexico 2 140 306 $1,000 18,639 5
Netherlands 1 60 120 $0 6,554 1
New Zealand 1 56 112 $0 8,663 2
Norway 10 680 1,406 $8,803 92,929 13
Poland 1 31 58 $0 3,612 0
Serbia 1 25 43 $0 0 0
Spain 1 1 3 $0 0 0
Sweden 18 1,132 2,100 $427 137,874 10
United Kingdom 1 18 19 $0 0 0
United States 176 11,364 21,982 $237,995 1,235,710 707