StatMando Monday

From Monday 2023-07-17 to Sunday 2023-07-23, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2023-07-17
(click to change weeks)
(12,940 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2023-07-30 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 151 2,304 4,684 $199,502 267,698 951
FPO 60 233 545 $35,410 38,198 852
MP40 72 556 1,062 $30,302 63,432 920
MP50 50 261 522 $11,188 31,887 898
FP40 14 35 87 $1,461 5,617 827
FP50 6 14 34 $404 2,223 792
MP55 1 2 2 $92 130 867
FP55 1 1 2 $36 131 868
MP60 21 77 161 $4,687 10,322 884
FP60 1 1 2 $121 155 778
MP70 5 16 35 $726 2,471 789
MA1 146 2,129 4,059 $0 209,229 907
FA1 52 159 314 $0 21,470 808
MA2 140 2,360 4,574 $0 257,810 888
FA2 61 151 334 $0 23,055 765
MA3 138 2,429 4,403 $0 272,169 851
FA3 40 118 254 $0 17,819 699

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 5 313 675 $5,274 24,845 8
Alaska 1 39 74 $630 5,127 1
Alberta 2 119 281 $910 17,677 1
Arizona 3 151 235 $2,414 15,264 7
Arkansas 3 213 335 $3,545 18,852 8
British Columbia 1 578 1,604 $17,100 105,405 55
California 5 576 1,017 $9,857 50,632 31
Colorado 3 414 1,008 $552 55,885 18
Connecticut 1 65 65 $394 4,280 0
Florida 5 136 134 $0 8,664 1
Georgia 4 378 448 $4,485 30,978 11
Idaho 1 44 83 $540 5,504 3
Illinois 3 520 918 $7,367 55,839 32
Indiana 3 166 274 $204 9,634 1
Iowa 5 419 519 $3,239 27,293 11
Kansas 3 128 125 $360 7,894 1
Kentucky 2 79 138 $258 6,029 0
Louisiana 1 40 115 $1,420 6,827 6
Maine 2 196 328 $1,279 18,506 7
Massachusetts 5 207 414 $2,340 25,202 7
Michigan 11 398 655 $4,804 28,403 14
Minnesota 2 205 258 $1,201 15,624 0
Missouri 3 221 440 $2,631 26,664 11
Montana 1 82 155 $2,005 9,012 5
Nebraska 2 124 248 $4,154 16,656 11
New Brunswick 1 0 0 $0 0 0
New Jersey 3 122 220 $0 7,228 1
New Mexico 1 82 244 $0 16,107 4
New York 5 302 787 $17,499 50,715 6
Newfoundland and Labrador 1 21 62 $215 3,757 0
North Carolina 8 508 842 $1,368 53,549 21
Ohio 5 385 863 $28,342 54,302 79
Oklahoma 6 283 218 $1,411 7,448 7
Ontario 1 142 421 $2,998 26,501 10
Oregon 1 28 15 $0 0 0
Pennsylvania 5 256 510 $3,251 33,934 12
Prince Edward Island 1 20 50 $0 0 0
Saskatchewan 1 54 108 $0 6,397 0
South Carolina 4 248 425 $1,042 22,659 7
South Dakota 1 45 90 $625 5,265 3
Tennessee 4 305 601 $12,128 33,189 28
Texas 13 895 1,236 $9,168 75,006 23
Vermont 1 146 291 $4,623 19,234 6
Virginia 6 236 463 $1,628 24,151 7
Washington 3 196 386 $2,842 25,287 3
Wisconsin 5 458 1,079 $3,475 65,741 20
Wyoming 2 33 66 $312 3,674 1

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 76 149 $1,309 10,475 0
Canada 8 934 2,526 $21,223 159,737 66
Croatia 1 80 238 $0 15,289 6
Denmark 1 86 172 $726 11,117 0
Estonia 2 422 1,106 $0 67,224 3
Finland 17 994 2,168 $105,141 137,847 306
France 1 49 96 $0 6,183 0
Germany 2 88 175 $0 10,244 7
Iceland 2 151 317 $4,817 20,658 5
Japan 1 54 225 $1,894 17,152 37
Latvia 2 53 106 $0 7,378 0
Lithuania 1 30 60 $230 4,699 0
Mexico 1 28 28 $0 1,699 1
New Zealand 2 97 189 $0 12,218 2
Norway 3 100 254 $0 15,257 2
Poland 1 35 64 $0 3,888 0
Sweden 13 933 1,680 $1,927 98,037 8
United Kingdom 1 29 50 $0 0 0
United States 148 9,657 17,027 $146,727 972,943 422