StatMando Monday

From Monday 2017-05-29 to Sunday 2017-06-04, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2017-05-29
(click to change weeks)
(5,190 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:53 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 74 1,174 3,233 $87,025 185,420 946
FPO 31 138 423 $10,262 27,816 853
MA1 67 1,043 2,721 $0 165,552 914
FA1 28 97 262 $0 18,845 786
MA2 64 913 2,223 $0 137,129 879
FA2 32 85 218 $0 15,626 740
MA3 54 621 1,469 $0 95,727 842
FA3 20 49 124 $0 9,848 710

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 21 42 $150 2,591 0
Alaska 1 27 108 $450 6,399 3
Alberta 1 63 189 $1,020 12,603 2
Arkansas 1 78 220 $1,450 11,833 2
British Columbia 1 15 30 $282 1,670 0
California 6 387 850 $15,180 49,354 52
Florida 2 106 267 $2,069 15,274 8
Georgia 3 151 268 $2,340 17,783 10
Illinois 5 282 560 $1,860 37,732 19
Indiana 1 37 71 $490 4,822 1
Iowa 4 150 336 $998 18,874 5
Kansas 1 125 486 $3,065 29,923 23
Kentucky 2 78 155 $955 10,489 2
Maine 1 76 159 $1,226 10,708 11
Manitoba 1 29 57 $181 3,470 1
Massachusetts 2 92 182 $2,119 12,142 2
Michigan 4 342 889 $3,838 58,391 21
Minnesota 3 220 441 $3,926 26,966 6
Mississippi 2 61 144 $990 8,061 1
Missouri 2 212 549 $5,384 37,274 20
Montana 1 89 270 $9,892 16,071 15
Nebraska 1 37 138 $215 7,907 0
New York 1 55 219 $1,636 14,139 7
North Carolina 3 164 411 $1,563 23,607 13
Ohio 3 149 296 $763 18,546 3
Ontario 1 72 275 $1,321 16,564 5
Oregon 2 59 139 $3,040 9,938 4
Pennsylvania 1 96 191 $2,658 11,298 12
South Carolina 1 17 17 $0 1,101 0
Tennessee 1 337 1,348 $12,097 83,719 57
Texas 4 287 721 $8,245 42,235 26
Utah 1 57 157 $19,267 9,146 44
Virginia 2 122 243 $2,460 15,874 9
Washington 2 188 476 $5,868 29,686 17
Wisconsin 1 88 175 $1,586 11,039 2

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 4 179 551 $2,804 34,307 8
Croatia 1 17 59 $0 3,931 0
Czech Republic 1 32 81 $0 3,958 0
Denmark 1 69 274 $965 14,884 10
Estonia 1 41 82 $0 5,100 0
Finland 8 486 1,242 $4,128 80,220 12
France 1 48 166 $352 9,908 3
Germany 2 116 415 $823 21,546 29
Slovakia 1 31 116 $0 7,155 1
Spain 1 10 24 $0 1,256 0
Sweden 2 185 483 $6,026 31,544 24
United Kingdom 1 40 120 $1,365 7,418 3
United States 65 4,190 10,528 $115,780 652,922 395