StatMando Monday

From Monday 2019-06-24 to Sunday 2019-06-30, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2019-06-24
(click to change weeks)
(6,146 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:02 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 78 1,378 3,057 $87,081 174,953 951
FPO 36 144 375 $12,353 24,379 866
MP40 46 426 941 $32,204 59,434 930
MP50 26 170 490 $16,836 29,925 921
FP40 8 30 74 $2,982 5,137 858
FP50 2 2 4 $88 264 789
MP55 3 30 119 $6,490 7,657 955
FP55 1 3 12 $790 748 894
MP60 6 50 185 $8,491 12,124 906
FP60 1 2 8 $525 528 851
MP65 1 8 36 $2,105 2,448 917
MP70 2 4 12 $666 763 874
MA1 69 1,317 2,713 $0 167,722 917
FA1 35 124 254 $0 17,973 806
MA2 67 1,197 2,626 $0 162,079 883
FA2 25 80 168 $0 12,377 760
MA3 62 1,269 2,222 $0 147,876 852
FA3 27 96 183 $0 14,253 711

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alaska 1 83 331 $10,000 20,595 25
Alberta 1 92 275 $1,738 19,286 5
Arizona 1 82 161 $1,105 9,221 1
California 2 169 419 $6,000 25,862 18
Colorado 1 16 32 $0 1,683 0
Delaware 1 66 130 $604 8,329 5
Georgia 2 98 246 $640 15,284 11
Idaho 1 71 138 $3,090 8,719 8
Illinois 1 146 289 $3,718 19,171 20
Indiana 1 45 88 $500 5,342 2
Iowa 1 250 739 $12,120 45,898 48
Kentucky 1 37 74 $300 4,291 5
Maine 1 61 121 $1,805 7,288 3
Massachusetts 2 151 300 $2,052 18,299 14
Michigan 2 264 711 $11,637 43,547 61
Minnesota 3 89 119 $670 7,233 3
Mississippi 2 124 246 $1,643 14,953 7
Missouri 4 338 756 $9,447 49,316 37
Montana 1 132 262 $2,500 14,435 2
New Hampshire 3 89 148 $1,369 8,752 1
New Jersey 1 48 94 $530 6,603 2
New Mexico 1 32 94 $918 5,650 2
North Carolina 2 139 334 $970 15,079 8
North Dakota 1 78 155 $1,450 11,073 2
Ohio 3 128 239 $1,966 17,549 12
Ontario 2 134 195 $1,042 11,797 3
Oregon 2 80 142 $35 8,732 3
Pennsylvania 3 106 252 $1,236 15,850 6
South Dakota 1 13 26 $0 1,462 0
Tennessee 2 184 361 $4,268 22,560 9
Texas 6 348 627 $4,882 39,432 26
Utah 1 15 15 $0 990 0
Vermont 1 162 725 $42,612 47,240 110
Virginia 2 136 339 $3,340 22,382 12
Washington 1 81 159 $2,073 10,990 5
West Virginia 1 40 80 $0 5,146 1
Wisconsin 2 193 378 $3,098 23,876 4

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Belgium 1 16 30 $0 1,961 1
Canada 3 226 470 $2,780 31,083 8
Estonia 1 62 123 $0 7,393 1
Finland 9 2,129 4,049 $26,216 265,502 114
Germany 1 49 163 $0 9,905 3
Japan 1 16 74 $396 3,615 9
Latvia 1 90 268 $1,694 15,617 3
Norway 2 85 165 $521 11,871 1
Slovenia 1 33 111 $0 5,944 4
Sweden 7 376 802 $3,476 46,378 11
United Kingdom 1 21 42 $0 2,764 0
United States 62 4,261 9,496 $136,578 594,587 473