StatMando Monday

From Monday 2023-11-13 to Sunday 2023-11-19, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2023-11-13
(click to change weeks)
(8,263 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2023-11-26 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 126 1,218 2,218 $71,793 123,066 950
FPO 41 120 250 $10,096 17,202 854
MP40 61 350 723 $26,637 44,208 929
MP50 33 113 239 $8,895 14,399 918
FP40 3 7 14 $456 989 784
FP50 1 1 1 $20 69 775
MP55 1 4 12 $515 977 914
MP60 14 48 103 $4,937 6,825 891
FP60 1 2 6 $180 490 748
MP70 2 4 10 $435 696 824
FP70 1 1 3 $90 268 679
MA1 144 1,572 2,533 $0 140,851 913
FA1 59 132 228 $0 15,650 794
MA2 130 1,258 2,261 $0 130,120 886
FA2 39 92 164 $0 11,539 758
MA3 130 1,718 3,012 $0 181,801 844
FA3 41 84 154 $0 11,121 695

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 6 298 467 $473 27,785 4
Arizona 5 178 253 $4,713 12,121 18
British Columbia 4 184 365 $257 22,148 1
California 7 409 816 $10,702 48,789 32
Colorado 1 125 125 $429 6,937 4
Delaware 1 68 135 $387 7,337 1
Florida 5 420 1,051 $14,224 69,061 42
Georgia 5 351 590 $2,206 32,159 11
Illinois 3 157 230 $628 13,217 5
Indiana 6 183 239 $416 14,160 1
Iowa 1 54 54 $231 3,080 1
Kansas 6 359 490 $3,277 27,152 8
Kentucky 4 197 400 $669 28,287 7
Maryland 1 45 87 $2,844 5,547 8
Massachusetts 1 21 20 $0 0 0
Michigan 2 90 179 $596 9,889 1
Mississippi 2 108 214 $1,537 12,526 0
Missouri 4 284 469 $3,127 26,074 12
Nevada 3 162 216 $1,110 12,290 1
New Hampshire 1 86 171 $2,060 10,131 3
New Mexico 1 46 91 $1,160 5,873 0
New York 3 203 364 $1,025 21,902 1
North Carolina 20 1,010 1,718 $10,104 102,053 35
Ohio 5 190 247 $634 12,734 3
Oklahoma 2 232 449 $4,880 27,574 19
Ontario 2 42 52 $56 1,185 0
Oregon 4 263 522 $3,881 31,071 18
Pennsylvania 5 153 308 $2,148 19,064 7
South Carolina 4 252 609 $5,487 36,988 16
Tennessee 2 94 156 $1,025 9,730 7
Texas 22 1,167 2,041 $35,644 125,104 71
Utah 3 94 138 $136 8,756 2
Virginia 6 332 572 $4,965 36,748 13
Washington 3 151 269 $649 7,120 3
West Virginia 1 41 27 $0 0 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 6 226 417 $313 23,333 1
Croatia 1 46 92 $0 4,771 1
Denmark 2 86 167 $139 9,805 1
Finland 3 112 219 $235 11,910 1
Germany 1 61 122 $0 6,993 1
Malaysia 1 14 25 $91 1,600 0
Mexico 2 122 255 $0 14,603 0
New Zealand 1 61 180 $0 15,960 9
Norway 1 83 163 $824 12,124 0
Portugal 1 8 16 $0 897 1
Sweden 3 87 106 $0 7,043 1
Thailand 1 25 48 $101 2,961 3
United Kingdom 1 41 82 $0 5,343 2
United States 146 7,889 13,841 $122,351 819,771 358