StatMando Monday

From Monday 2018-10-22 to Sunday 2018-10-28, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2018-10-22
(click to change weeks)
(3,459 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:59 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 61 610 1,308 $42,723 77,653 959
FPO 25 53 119 $3,988 8,286 863
MP40 29 183 392 $12,527 23,064 936
MP50 12 73 167 $5,173 10,629 924
FP40 4 5 11 $100 957 728
MP55 2 10 23 $1,064 1,401 920
MP60 5 15 35 $1,281 2,453 905
MA1 59 650 1,388 $0 86,650 922
FA1 17 42 99 $0 7,621 801
MA2 54 633 1,332 $0 84,893 886
FA2 21 51 102 $0 7,303 756
MA3 48 515 1,120 $0 72,264 846
FA3 13 28 54 $0 4,281 711

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 49 144 $990 8,272 2
Alaska 1 17 34 $180 1,832 1
Alberta 1 26 51 $0 3,270 0
Arizona 1 58 171 $0 9,377 0
Arkansas 1 28 56 $235 3,384 0
California 2 113 219 $2,430 13,823 14
Colorado 1 131 259 $5,274 15,456 8
Florida 2 64 162 $5,523 11,581 17
Illinois 2 123 242 $2,261 17,021 11
Indiana 2 73 137 $793 8,068 3
Iowa 1 11 22 $170 1,290 0
Kansas 1 68 135 $577 7,433 4
Kentucky 2 84 163 $1,461 9,449 5
Maine 1 30 86 $1,330 4,576 12
Michigan 2 103 205 $782 13,460 2
Minnesota 2 59 59 $860 4,353 2
Missouri 3 203 404 $5,880 26,024 13
Nebraska 2 68 136 $976 8,559 4
Nevada 1 151 446 $5,277 29,228 20
New York 1 16 32 $496 1,898 0
North Carolina 1 76 147 $810 9,717 5
North Dakota 1 43 85 $985 5,393 2
Ohio 2 67 131 $380 7,933 6
Oklahoma 1 216 632 $12,970 38,293 72
Ontario 1 43 86 $151 5,110 0
Oregon 3 129 219 $2,269 14,305 10
Pennsylvania 4 156 311 $1,730 19,040 23
South Carolina 2 57 114 $350 6,485 2
Tennessee 1 173 338 $2,660 20,504 5
Texas 7 357 747 $2,750 47,343 19
Utah 2 106 161 $630 10,092 4
Virginia 2 121 422 $2,100 27,453 10
Washington 1 52 101 $1,550 10,331 3
West Virginia 1 48 95 $201 6,204 1
Wisconsin 2 49 97 $1,190 6,181 1

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 29 58 $142 3,969 1
Canada 2 69 137 $151 8,380 0
China 1 20 20 $0 1,693 0
Denmark 1 44 86 $413 6,348 0
Estonia 1 41 76 $0 5,143 1
Finland 6 197 361 $265 24,065 4
Germany 1 32 62 $0 3,821 3
Hungary 1 17 50 $0 3,167 1
United Kingdom 2 51 153 $141 8,314 3
United States 60 3,108 6,730 $66,070 425,507 281