StatMando Monday

From Monday 2018-07-02 to Sunday 2018-07-08, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2018-07-02
(click to change weeks)
(4,246 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:57 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 59 1,131 2,834 $92,272 170,778 944
FPO 27 133 366 $13,791 24,772 860
MP40 32 185 457 $10,284 27,105 921
MP50 16 80 201 $4,445 11,830 916
FP40 1 3 6 $205 376 830
MP55 1 2 4 $115 246 872
MP60 6 15 40 $1,425 2,330 891
FP60 1 1 3 $109 204 825
FP65 1 1 2 $50 138 796
MP70 1 1 1 $50 0 875
MA1 62 744 1,624 $0 95,118 914
FA1 21 65 145 $0 9,940 790
MA2 53 742 1,648 $0 102,157 882
FA2 26 67 145 $0 10,281 749
MA3 50 556 1,199 $0 78,388 842
FA3 11 34 74 $0 5,460 697

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 27 54 $0 3,109 0
Alaska 1 51 199 $1,649 10,834 11
Alberta 1 32 88 $415 5,125 1
Arizona 2 95 261 $3,145 15,466 11
Arkansas 1 78 156 $1,592 8,849 6
Colorado 1 34 67 $1,000 3,829 5
Georgia 2 117 308 $1,489 18,488 10
Idaho 2 61 119 $0 7,414 2
Illinois 2 78 155 $1,175 9,681 8
Indiana 2 120 265 $3,726 15,765 10
Iowa 3 115 230 $925 13,823 8
Kansas 1 27 54 $1,005 3,341 1
Kentucky 1 39 78 $0 4,930 0
Maine 1 22 44 $0 2,288 0
Massachusetts 3 143 258 $3,445 16,623 3
Michigan 2 315 935 $43,865 56,245 141
Minnesota 1 66 132 $1,200 8,794 9
Missouri 2 83 165 $1,164 10,770 1
Nebraska 1 12 24 $270 1,421 0
New Hampshire 3 93 158 $1,138 10,542 7
New Jersey 1 84 163 $701 9,865 5
New Mexico 1 12 23 $0 1,320 0
New York 1 111 222 $2,624 14,453 7
Ohio 5 306 605 $2,630 43,070 13
Oklahoma 3 150 248 $2,032 16,406 15
Ontario 1 84 84 $332 4,618 1
Oregon 2 55 110 $409 7,013 6
Pennsylvania 1 49 98 $1,201 5,941 5
Tennessee 3 146 349 $4,289 21,557 17
Texas 3 179 347 $3,107 21,170 10
Virginia 3 175 347 $3,292 20,516 8
Washington 2 149 441 $2,520 20,849 25
Wisconsin 3 220 540 $1,945 33,041 6

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 2 116 172 $747 9,743 2
Croatia 2 40 127 $0 7,381 0
Estonia 4 280 702 $3,100 44,456 10
Finland 4 225 553 $1,990 36,569 8
France 1 23 89 $164 6,077 0
Netherlands 1 17 33 $0 1,742 0
Norway 3 129 334 $0 19,938 5
Sweden 4 290 734 $24,045 48,190 56
Ukraine 1 13 26 $0 1,601 1
United Kingdom 1 90 301 $1,182 18,618 6
United States 61 3,255 7,241 $91,538 442,642 350