StatMando Monday

From Monday 2022-07-25 to Sunday 2022-07-31, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2022-07-25
(click to change weeks)
(11,165 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-08-02 08:30 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 114 1,836 3,794 $108,597 221,771 950
FPO 48 212 505 $32,779 34,398 860
MP40 60 500 1,145 $13,349 70,654 923
MP50 25 155 368 $4,097 23,695 909
FP40 8 24 65 $407 5,035 824
FP50 2 7 24 $0 1,807 773
MP60 11 41 115 $1,415 6,948 889
FP60 2 5 18 $60 1,384 756
MP70 1 8 32 $0 2,213 848
MA1 122 1,810 3,694 $0 221,995 918
FA1 54 141 305 $0 21,154 805
MA2 121 2,075 4,068 $0 244,229 887
FA2 45 124 258 $0 18,428 760
MA3 129 2,293 4,414 $0 278,908 846
FA3 46 125 264 $0 19,924 711

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 140 276 $0 17,382 7
Alaska 1 72 144 $0 8,431 6
Arizona 1 42 42 $0 2,324 0
Arkansas 3 157 286 $275 19,164 6
California 2 210 417 $0 24,099 8
Colorado 3 245 379 $0 21,359 10
Connecticut 1 81 160 $1,165 9,456 5
Delaware 1 70 140 $0 7,757 1
Florida 1 52 100 $192 7,107 0
Georgia 7 460 832 $527 52,456 19
Idaho 1 68 135 $1,750 8,378 1
Illinois 6 224 435 $1,628 26,939 6
Indiana 4 234 427 $510 30,168 2
Iowa 3 173 436 $2,225 26,022 7
Kansas 4 268 456 $2,545 26,098 13
Kentucky 1 19 36 $60 2,293 0
Louisiana 1 30 88 $0 5,088 0
Maine 2 96 192 $0 11,423 2
Maryland 3 267 524 $0 31,454 7
Massachusetts 5 274 406 $4,297 24,321 9
Michigan 3 1,006 2,958 $86,775 178,509 249
Minnesota 4 256 466 $4,032 26,616 13
Mississippi 1 142 413 $2,094 23,358 15
Missouri 2 158 306 $4,045 19,881 16
Montana 1 87 254 $0 13,783 3
Nebraska 2 130 166 $0 11,211 0
New Hampshire 1 53 154 $0 8,887 1
New Mexico 1 22 42 $0 2,870 0
New York 2 134 262 $1,392 17,658 5
North Carolina 8 316 521 $2,584 32,776 20
Ohio 3 379 646 $5,443 43,276 15
Oklahoma 3 234 406 $2,815 23,691 12
Oregon 3 264 463 $4,641 31,346 17
Pennsylvania 1 69 136 $587 8,904 0
Prince Edward Island 1 26 104 $0 7,069 0
Quebec 1 39 39 $0 2,582 0
South Carolina 4 245 450 $481 27,370 6
South Dakota 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Tennessee 3 303 797 $1,670 48,377 15
Texas 13 968 1,378 $4,099 81,830 40
Utah 1 114 114 $468 7,422 2
Vermont 1 71 141 $2,086 8,343 5
Virginia 3 163 298 $182 19,818 0
Washington 4 310 730 $4,690 46,390 12
West Virginia 1 72 144 $1,310 8,727 3
Wisconsin 5 370 734 $4,388 46,190 14
Wyoming 1 82 164 $3,795 9,895 11

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 116 228 $112 15,636 1
Canada 2 65 143 $0 9,651 0
Colombia 1 13 37 $0 2,139 0
Denmark 1 52 102 $130 6,399 0
Estonia 4 265 579 $0 34,378 96
Finland 8 830 2,122 $2,999 134,781 46
France 1 28 56 $0 3,897 0
Hungary 1 45 130 $0 8,606 4
Iceland 2 0 0 $0 0 0
Latvia 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Netherlands 1 60 120 $0 6,651 1
New Zealand 1 89 170 $1,449 15,189 4
Norway 5 342 743 $3,184 49,112 6
Poland 1 48 143 $0 9,437 0
Slovakia 1 16 29 $0 1,839 2
Spain 1 10 20 $0 1,329 0
Sweden 14 582 1,174 $79 76,424 21
United Kingdom 1 17 32 $0 2,107 0
United States 124 9,130 18,054 $152,751 1,108,847 583