StatMando Monday

From Monday 2018-07-16 to Sunday 2018-07-22, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2018-07-16
(click to change weeks)
(4,260 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:58 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 69 1,206 3,024 $91,437 186,233 948
FPO 31 119 335 $9,617 24,841 854
MP40 39 284 625 $13,509 41,254 913
MP50 18 108 245 $5,170 17,288 899
FP40 4 15 32 $640 2,315 789
FP50 1 2 4 $115 246 783
MP60 8 33 87 $1,330 6,616 875
MA1 60 722 1,564 $0 98,236 908
FA1 24 65 149 $0 11,533 801
MA2 53 645 1,338 $0 86,845 878
FA2 15 41 86 $0 7,260 733
MA3 51 538 1,101 $0 74,102 850
FA3 14 37 79 $0 6,318 706

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 3 188 372 $2,336 21,784 4
Alaska 1 35 109 $2,445 6,348 9
Alberta 1 63 194 $1,691 11,876 5
California 4 338 766 $11,832 63,291 30
Delaware 1 30 60 $1,160 3,592 2
Idaho 3 102 316 $4,038 18,329 19
Illinois 2 98 196 $390 15,012 0
Indiana 1 2 4 $0 338 0
Iowa 2 143 283 $1,768 16,645 4
Kentucky 2 170 500 $34,485 34,640 129
Louisiana 1 45 87 $1,100 5,201 2
Massachusetts 1 66 131 $1,465 7,426 7
Michigan 6 245 565 $12,664 34,255 41
Minnesota 2 136 272 $4,180 19,406 15
Mississippi 1 71 142 $1,768 9,103 6
Missouri 2 118 235 $819 13,407 9
Montana 1 8 16 $0 935 0
Nevada 1 34 67 $460 4,667 1
New Hampshire 3 70 100 $409 6,072 0
New York 1 51 100 $510 5,894 4
Ohio 1 69 202 $1,700 14,165 8
Oklahoma 1 37 71 $96 4,320 0
Ontario 2 112 253 $2,171 18,711 4
Oregon 1 90 261 $0 18,016 2
Pennsylvania 2 75 149 $895 9,953 3
Quebec 1 37 72 $593 4,392 0
South Dakota 1 26 52 $242 2,881 0
Texas 3 164 244 $2,865 14,263 7
Virginia 3 124 247 $1,327 14,645 2
Washington 1 54 160 $1,155 8,974 4
West Virginia 1 20 40 $325 2,487 2
Wisconsin 2 151 296 $2,052 19,502 11

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Austria 1 53 183 $0 10,291 12
Canada 4 212 519 $4,455 34,979 9
Estonia 3 103 201 $0 13,114 0
Finland 12 834 1,800 $7,668 122,824 16
Germany 1 34 68 $0 3,737 1
Iceland 1 33 94 $0 5,278 1
Japan 1 52 138 $1,035 11,793 14
Norway 1 26 52 $293 3,293 0
Sweden 5 318 919 $15,252 56,010 128
Switzerland 1 41 123 $725 8,488 5
United Kingdom 1 33 66 $0 4,188 1
United States 54 2,760 6,043 $92,486 395,551 321