StatMando Monday

From Monday 2023-01-02 to Sunday 2023-01-08, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2023-01-02
(click to change weeks)
(4,082 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2023-01-15 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 45 552 950 $23,315 52,635 945
FPO 21 65 123 $2,490 8,207 827
MP40 22 151 267 $9,044 15,590 941
MP50 17 68 129 $4,604 7,417 920
FP40 4 4 6 $143 406 804
FP50 1 1 1 $36 61 774
MP55 1 1 1 $18 69 846
MP60 8 28 50 $1,710 2,927 893
FP60 1 3 3 $165 199 777
MP65 2 6 11 $128 687 866
MP70 3 4 8 $300 538 821
MA1 45 564 992 $0 58,683 915
FA1 21 50 103 $0 7,216 812
MA2 46 694 1,151 $0 68,888 887
FA2 22 45 74 $0 5,130 767
MA3 47 884 1,378 $0 85,806 847
FA3 22 55 86 $0 6,593 686

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 4 336 574 $4,506 33,540 15
Arizona 1 148 441 $0 25,025 0
California 2 358 614 $9,364 36,816 29
Florida 6 515 805 $6,180 49,433 19
Georgia 2 166 427 $145 26,777 5
Illinois 1 81 157 $430 9,563 1
Indiana 3 129 231 $285 13,708 4
Kentucky 1 99 197 $767 11,936 7
Louisiana 1 95 188 $1,985 12,082 3
Minnesota 2 151 173 $1,110 14,286 3
Missouri 2 157 156 $259 9,662 2
New York 1 72 144 $1,008 8,567 2
North Carolina 2 249 248 $754 14,450 3
Nova Scotia 1 24 48 $59 3,176 0
Ohio 1 65 64 $188 3,457 1
Oklahoma 1 80 159 $565 8,993 2
Ontario 1 50 50 $0 3,331 0
Oregon 1 35 70 $150 3,816 1
Pennsylvania 1 3 3 $52 152 0
South Carolina 1 95 189 $756 12,957 2
Texas 10 893 1,319 $11,956 80,215 50
Washington 2 138 275 $958 16,275 5

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 27 53 $0 3,077 1
Canada 2 74 98 $59 6,507 0
Croatia 1 44 88 $0 4,161 2
Denmark 2 121 242 $0 14,547 1
New Zealand 1 67 197 $541 15,139 1
Spain 1 16 16 $0 1,135 0
Sweden 1 80 80 $0 5,195 0
United States 45 3,865 6,434 $41,418 391,710 154