StatMando Monday

From Monday 2023-03-27 to Sunday 2023-04-02, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2023-03-27
(click to change weeks)
(12,159 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2023-04-09 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 125 1,910 4,080 $140,038 235,675 948
FPO 51 196 461 $15,293 31,446 848
MP40 76 600 1,361 $45,057 84,972 924
MP50 38 207 502 $16,810 31,172 919
FP40 6 16 40 $564 2,915 807
FP50 3 3 7 $290 505 837
MP55 3 8 22 $675 1,576 905
MP60 22 89 222 $7,925 14,286 893
MP65 1 1 2 $48 107 895
FP65 1 1 1 $21 61 737
MP70 2 4 9 $95 648 820
MA1 141 2,043 4,316 $0 244,937 911
FA1 61 176 373 $0 25,258 809
MA2 138 2,101 4,111 $0 254,521 885
FA2 53 154 330 $0 23,470 756
MA3 137 2,306 4,312 $0 278,031 845
FA3 54 152 274 $0 21,277 694

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 9 701 1,525 $14,116 89,958 65
Arizona 2 89 186 $0 7,833 1
Arkansas 4 322 514 $8,758 35,702 24
British Columbia 4 163 318 $167 18,474 1
California 6 742 1,731 $23,009 97,036 68
Colorado 3 271 534 $5,305 32,213 9
Connecticut 2 115 223 $2,682 14,260 0
Delaware 1 24 48 $230 3,166 1
Florida 3 278 549 $30,751 36,062 89
Georgia 4 296 517 $2,571 26,070 9
Idaho 1 153 450 $9,610 26,961 25
Illinois 6 620 1,096 $2,745 68,801 12
Indiana 3 130 256 $132 16,784 0
Iowa 3 254 502 $3,021 29,958 18
Kansas 3 215 372 $3,977 25,398 8
Kentucky 4 178 254 $2,155 13,626 5
Louisiana 1 70 140 $0 9,588 2
Maryland 2 141 186 $795 12,640 1
Michigan 7 450 893 $3,121 55,155 12
Minnesota 3 207 407 $3,940 26,933 17
Mississippi 2 101 198 $848 11,241 1
Missouri 2 218 217 $830 14,524 4
Montana 1 74 147 $1,601 8,588 0
New Hampshire 3 245 606 $2,930 37,025 10
New Jersey 2 185 509 $5,885 33,435 15
New Mexico 1 70 140 $0 8,216 1
New York 4 291 468 $475 30,905 2
North Carolina 8 461 985 $12,944 53,911 50
Ohio 2 270 460 $12,285 33,531 23
Oklahoma 5 240 530 $5,739 35,682 12
Ontario 2 248 494 $973 33,143 3
Oregon 7 350 664 $5,352 42,348 18
Pennsylvania 4 472 1,204 $9,648 79,382 37
South Carolina 3 244 732 $8,502 43,830 28
South Dakota 1 74 74 $112 4,569 0
Tennessee 4 456 1,107 $10,252 64,324 43
Texas 21 1,064 1,737 $18,347 113,393 40
Virginia 3 207 411 $3,410 25,631 6
Washington 3 254 781 $3,126 52,735 13
Wisconsin 2 179 335 $2,888 21,964 6

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 42 53 $0 0 0
Belize 1 46 46 $0 3,350 0
Canada 6 411 812 $1,140 51,617 4
Croatia 1 74 220 $0 15,421 0
Czech Republic 1 75 222 $35 12,851 4
Finland 5 183 364 $191 21,725 4
Germany 3 152 352 $0 22,149 3
Latvia 1 52 51 $0 3,293 0
Lithuania 1 40 80 $370 5,654 0
Mexico 1 16 32 $0 2,056 0
Netherlands 2 79 148 $0 7,562 0
New Zealand 2 137 399 $1,024 29,353 11
Norway 2 171 339 $665 23,889 1
Sweden 7 460 857 $0 55,637 2
Switzerland 1 61 182 $1,178 9,770 10
United Kingdom 2 167 452 $184 30,371 1
United States 147 10,740 21,759 $222,092 1,344,706 675