StatMando Monday

From Monday 2018-08-13 to Sunday 2018-08-19, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2018-08-13
(click to change weeks)
(5,264 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:58 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 70 1,221 2,970 $87,110 173,558 950
FPO 29 119 314 $9,956 21,600 859
MP40 40 340 944 $34,174 56,010 937
MP50 22 161 516 $21,365 31,326 926
FP40 7 26 76 $2,907 5,453 860
FP50 1 3 12 $860 834 869
MP55 3 7 15 $435 1,050 911
MP60 7 49 187 $8,556 11,419 920
MP70 1 5 22 $1,430 1,458 867
MA1 63 1,010 2,495 $0 153,539 915
FA1 32 96 222 $0 15,955 788
MA2 54 902 2,023 $0 128,844 882
FA2 24 56 124 $0 9,414 754
MA3 55 784 1,602 $0 107,459 847
FA3 17 49 95 $0 7,930 708

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 17 34 $0 2,198 0
Alaska 1 15 49 $550 2,758 0
British Columbia 2 40 109 $826 6,406 3
California 4 246 505 $2,710 32,205 13
Colorado 2 108 205 $2,600 11,708 9
Georgia 1 33 98 $265 5,378 5
Idaho 1 136 395 $11,142 23,213 16
Illinois 1 53 106 $254 7,042 5
Indiana 2 86 141 $128 9,600 0
Iowa 4 168 330 $2,353 18,684 8
Kansas 2 180 700 $39,978 40,764 101
Kentucky 1 59 115 $0 8,556 0
Maine 1 81 254 $11,630 13,355 41
Manitoba 1 22 44 $85 2,418 0
Massachusetts 1 135 460 $0 29,268 6
Michigan 1 157 465 $7,664 29,159 40
Minnesota 1 206 636 $12,515 36,862 46
Mississippi 2 88 176 $1,010 10,585 8
Missouri 1 64 62 $270 3,885 3
Nebraska 1 25 98 $340 5,054 4
New Hampshire 1 10 10 $18 595 0
New York 2 183 496 $7,231 31,685 30
North Carolina 2 140 402 $2,080 22,370 18
Ohio 4 232 533 $5,867 36,131 10
Ontario 1 47 138 $1,084 7,805 6
Oregon 1 121 357 $4,175 19,967 27
Pennsylvania 4 281 539 $7,631 38,957 42
Quebec 1 52 154 $2,145 10,597 1
South Carolina 1 86 257 $1,935 17,860 5
Tennessee 1 130 255 $2,260 16,663 11
Texas 3 175 285 $1,554 17,464 14
Utah 1 65 128 $256 9,193 1
Washington 2 109 216 $1,684 12,164 5
Wisconsin 4 202 397 $1,839 25,890 8
Wyoming 1 66 194 $1,845 13,953 7

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Austria 1 34 66 $0 4,079 0
Canada 5 161 445 $4,140 27,226 10
Croatia 1 200 704 $19,636 45,426 133
Czech Republic 2 72 214 $0 12,960 3
Estonia 3 159 314 $388 24,600 0
Finland 10 449 849 $956 60,765 9
Germany 1 26 78 $0 3,247 3
Japan 1 36 160 $729 8,482 13
Norway 2 100 200 $967 13,831 2
Sweden 8 429 822 $2,527 50,013 6
Thailand 1 12 22 $0 1,272 0
United States 58 3,874 9,324 $138,025 581,839 496