StatMando Monday

From Monday 2023-09-18 to Sunday 2023-09-24, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2023-09-18
(click to change weeks)
(12,045 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2023-10-01 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 186 2,274 4,635 $124,884 253,845 939
FPO 64 270 753 $84,535 54,362 865
MP40 89 541 1,191 $35,206 69,932 923
MP50 46 239 527 $15,288 31,479 908
FP40 9 24 71 $6,455 5,456 841
FP50 6 11 33 $3,658 1,844 858
MP55 3 20 37 $556 2,397 887
FP55 1 11 44 $6,256 2,683 830
MP60 14 68 150 $5,294 9,068 877
FP60 2 10 37 $5,136 2,229 836
FP65 1 4 16 $2,275 1,051 776
MP70 2 6 14 $360 996 817
MA1 175 2,185 3,897 $0 197,221 907
FA1 60 187 450 $0 27,297 814
MA2 172 1,862 3,669 $0 212,202 885
FA2 55 161 350 $0 23,444 780
MA3 170 2,097 3,773 $0 222,977 847
FA3 45 114 275 $0 18,745 711

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 6 360 527 $3,410 24,874 9
Alaska 1 46 29 $0 0 0
Alberta 1 9 18 $0 732 0
Arizona 2 101 75 $0 0 5
Arkansas 3 152 316 $6,556 18,758 7
British Columbia 1 143 426 $0 27,499 15
California 7 385 675 $7,876 47,920 26
Colorado 3 387 1,013 $25,493 50,826 56
Connecticut 1 142 279 $4,450 16,727 8
Florida 3 160 158 $650 9,125 2
Georgia 4 295 473 $1,538 14,450 14
Hawaii 1 74 217 $3,450 10,728 6
Idaho 3 146 359 $1,515 21,917 5
Illinois 8 653 990 $4,706 53,541 15
Indiana 12 520 924 $11,401 49,782 50
Iowa 4 176 345 $1,615 19,401 11
Kansas 5 169 328 $1,541 19,746 9
Kentucky 2 68 124 $0 5,889 0
Louisiana 2 84 240 $2,495 14,882 7
Maine 2 125 229 $1,782 13,839 3
Manitoba 1 23 76 $0 0 0
Massachusetts 3 114 227 $600 13,624 5
Michigan 7 459 1,058 $8,211 50,866 32
Minnesota 2 51 102 $360 6,104 4
Mississippi 1 30 59 $135 3,507 0
Missouri 5 237 411 $2,440 22,392 11
Nebraska 1 9 26 $0 0 0
Nevada 1 88 259 $0 14,420 12
New Hampshire 1 100 194 $10,441 11,752 14
New Jersey 1 35 70 $223 4,435 0
New York 6 407 687 $9,274 46,881 14
Newfoundland and Labrador 1 35 102 $89 6,981 0
North Carolina 6 527 1,539 $100,390 100,457 3
North Dakota 3 149 398 $6,685 27,721 7
Nova Scotia 1 75 297 $1,001 17,180 1
Ohio 11 574 970 $7,818 58,600 24
Oklahoma 3 171 210 $1,409 8,464 8
Ontario 2 116 227 $1,495 13,818 1
Oregon 2 93 150 $871 8,739 1
Pennsylvania 5 241 419 $5,450 28,146 18
Quebec 2 149 295 $1,015 18,806 3
South Carolina 3 101 173 $1,236 9,751 4
South Dakota 1 100 295 $4,445 18,672 12
Tennessee 4 171 302 $456 15,965 7
Texas 18 820 1,445 $12,230 87,929 41
Utah 1 36 72 $0 3,886 0
Vermont 1 175 348 $4,255 21,801 1
Virginia 8 374 587 $2,254 27,405 10
Washington 5 242 442 $1,656 23,457 3
Wisconsin 5 482 1,026 $17,369 59,910 59
Wyoming 1 14 28 $0 1,513 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 11 298 579 $317 34,506 1
Belgium 1 36 71 $0 5,044 1
Belize 1 31 59 $100 4,332 0
Canada 9 550 1,441 $3,600 85,016 20
Colombia 1 16 32 $0 2,553 0
Czech Republic 2 144 376 $0 25,862 22
Denmark 1 69 205 $1,694 12,995 9
Finland 11 525 1,107 $2,484 70,746 34
France 2 57 149 $0 10,879 0
Germany 4 145 323 $0 18,707 11
Japan 1 23 44 $0 2,756 0
Latvia 1 47 47 $0 3,184 0
Montenegro 1 19 38 $0 2,155 0
Norway 5 345 823 $6,124 54,720 7
Serbia 1 20 39 $0 2,647 0
Singapore 1 36 93 $99 5,473 0
Spain 1 17 33 $0 1,988 0
Sweden 15 721 1,246 $736 74,250 6
United Kingdom 2 57 80 $0 3,638 0
United States 175 9,855 18,821 $276,686 1,070,325 523