StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-03-25 to Sunday 2024-03-31, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-03-25
(click to change weeks)
(8,694 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-04-04 12:15 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 104 1,536 3,187 $118,348 174,557 953
FPO 46 196 453 $32,607 29,519 878
MP40 56 463 970 $23,007 56,228 932
MP50 37 170 348 $8,128 21,420 920
FP40 5 5 10 $81 720 836
FP50 4 5 16 $18 259 819
MP55 1 9 27 $1,055 1,836 920
MP60 20 61 118 $3,177 7,463 889
MP65 2 3 3 $16 166 893
MP70 3 6 12 $194 752 844
MA1 106 1,341 2,778 $0 133,789 904
FA1 36 95 207 $0 14,002 803
MA2 98 1,195 2,172 $0 131,595 887
FA2 33 92 184 $0 11,847 758
MA3 103 1,515 2,724 $0 162,468 851
FA3 33 72 136 $0 9,955 716

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 178 359 $527 19,523 4
Arizona 3 54 176 $30 1,279 0
Arkansas 3 185 327 $3,275 20,442 10
British Columbia 1 78 157 $636 10,259 4
California 4 336 641 $0 41,119 33
Colorado 2 162 319 $5,372 17,698 14
Florida 6 416 838 $20,535 46,645 71
Georgia 4 243 519 $897 17,985 10
Idaho 1 112 330 $9,955 22,186 26
Illinois 2 143 236 $0 13,738 0
Indiana 2 72 143 $0 4,768 5
Iowa 3 259 440 $1,832 27,770 11
Kansas 3 256 448 $8,185 28,252 20
Kentucky 4 226 409 $2,567 24,108 9
Louisiana 1 49 98 $1,484 5,536 2
Maryland 2 146 282 $720 19,177 2
Massachusetts 1 126 126 $225 8,756 0
Michigan 4 317 759 $1,507 43,633 10
Missouri 6 391 451 $1,812 28,773 6
Montana 1 76 152 $1,440 9,667 2
Nebraska 2 78 138 $312 8,263 1
Nevada 1 53 199 $0 0 5
New Hampshire 1 90 180 $2,281 11,362 5
New Jersey 1 69 139 $415 9,134 0
New York 3 172 343 $8,464 21,818 24
North Carolina 7 552 932 $5,894 54,939 53
Nova Scotia 2 57 116 $532 9,039 0
Ohio 4 250 526 $234 32,361 5
Oklahoma 2 159 317 $2,085 20,225 5
Ontario 2 242 487 $0 31,891 5
Oregon 3 276 688 $6,079 41,828 27
Pennsylvania 2 177 354 $783 22,977 4
South Carolina 2 86 124 $0 6,665 1
South Dakota 2 114 231 $1,205 13,467 4
Tennessee 5 292 405 $2,324 24,569 3
Texas 12 633 1,219 $86,428 65,742 263
Virginia 3 156 227 $613 14,934 3
Washington 2 180 364 $658 22,311 8
West Virginia 1 70 140 $0 8,811 0
Wisconsin 1 151 151 $233 9,324 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 38 138 $84 2,149 3
Canada 5 377 760 $1,168 51,189 9
Colombia 1 57 172 $0 10,565 0
Czech Republic 2 146 296 $0 16,662 5
Denmark 1 70 139 $0 8,504 1
Estonia 1 115 116 $0 8,677 7
Finland 3 134 334 $119 18,054 10
Germany 2 51 101 $0 7,042 3
Iceland 1 52 53 $0 3,797 0
Latvia 2 0 0 $0 0 0
Netherlands 1 31 62 $0 2,915 1
New Zealand 1 161 482 $5,270 32,210 12
Serbia 1 0 53 $0 0 0
Slovenia 1 35 72 $0 4,309 0
South Korea 1 22 46 $214 2,842 2
Spain 1 48 142 $1,405 9,900 0
Sweden 7 386 761 $0 48,817 6
United Kingdom 2 33 71 $0 0 0
United States 108 7,305 13,730 $178,371 789,785 646