StatMando Monday

From Monday 2020-08-10 to Sunday 2020-08-16, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2020-08-10
(click to change weeks)
(7,556 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:06 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 75 1,372 3,344 $136,478 206,031 956
FPO 37 147 432 $23,484 29,893 862
MP40 42 337 820 $24,984 53,096 926
MP50 25 147 367 $9,877 24,371 912
FP40 2 5 17 $333 1,301 777
MP55 1 4 8 $235 636 913
MP60 5 30 75 $3,112 5,407 889
FP60 1 1 2 $52 130 798
MP65 1 3 3 $144 197 901
MA1 74 1,312 2,831 $0 185,623 918
FA1 28 88 181 $0 13,234 789
MA2 75 1,446 2,989 $0 192,485 884
FA2 25 89 200 $0 15,478 763
MA3 75 1,520 3,131 $0 208,634 852
FA3 30 78 151 $0 12,424 683

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 72 213 $0 11,799 3
Alaska 1 44 176 $765 10,113 13
Alberta 2 80 160 $781 9,919 2
Arkansas 1 76 150 $1,049 8,475 4
California 1 122 229 $5,915 20,753 22
Delaware 1 48 96 $1,005 6,415 3
Florida 1 114 226 $0 13,418 0
Georgia 3 194 444 $1,574 28,989 7
Idaho 2 256 603 $12,254 49,221 18
Illinois 7 1,891 4,730 $106,849 309,228 311
Iowa 2 136 271 $2,121 16,325 8
Kansas 3 234 535 $2,468 32,228 23
Kentucky 2 195 383 $0 29,647 2
Louisiana 1 47 92 $812 5,443 7
Maine 1 109 213 $4,831 13,332 11
Maryland 2 147 216 $836 14,467 3
Michigan 4 322 638 $3,387 36,856 18
Minnesota 1 40 80 $786 4,774 0
Missouri 1 47 91 $830 5,582 4
Nebraska 1 64 128 $950 8,431 2
Nevada 1 232 454 $8,469 44,033 9
New Hampshire 4 232 431 $1,420 26,339 4
New York 2 103 205 $2,045 12,782 6
North Carolina 1 82 164 $1,695 9,166 6
Ohio 1 85 247 $1,985 16,956 16
Oklahoma 1 23 23 $440 1,416 0
Oregon 2 144 281 $2,128 15,190 13
Pennsylvania 3 262 378 $2,806 30,219 14
Quebec 1 61 122 $446 7,462 1
Saskatchewan 1 35 105 $1,118 5,974 0
South Carolina 1 83 245 $860 17,030 8
Tennessee 3 353 534 $4,246 32,425 19
Texas 7 487 938 $6,365 56,529 24
Vermont 1 73 144 $0 7,920 0
Virginia 1 29 29 $305 2,400 0
Washington 1 40 40 $220 2,456 3
West Virginia 1 14 13 $192 916 0
Wisconsin 2 137 273 $1,265 17,647 12

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 4 176 387 $2,345 23,355 3
Czech Republic 1 72 215 $0 13,459 10
Denmark 1 51 148 $679 9,886 6
Finland 7 573 1,159 $2,811 78,359 16
Germany 1 60 180 $0 11,894 12
Norway 5 354 840 $3,403 57,588 2
Sweden 8 469 1,232 $8,393 74,795 60
United Kingdom 2 64 190 $195 12,266 4
United States 68 6,537 13,913 $180,873 918,920 593