StatMando Monday

From Monday 2023-01-16 to Sunday 2023-01-22, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2023-01-16
(click to change weeks)
(5,261 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2023-01-29 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 55 730 1,300 $38,048 74,386 954
FPO 26 81 168 $6,119 11,938 858
MP40 30 174 316 $8,983 18,436 935
MP50 18 69 140 $4,773 8,644 925
FP40 1 2 4 $0 319 687
FP50 2 4 8 $364 625 797
MP60 7 25 41 $1,074 2,654 896
MP65 1 4 8 $85 462 874
MA1 62 865 1,519 $0 90,833 910
FA1 33 89 160 $0 11,791 782
MA2 61 914 1,552 $0 95,916 879
FA2 29 89 172 $0 12,924 756
MA3 58 1,071 1,767 $0 112,986 845
FA3 23 74 126 $0 9,818 711

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 203 292 $659 16,765 6
Arizona 1 166 418 $16,890 27,994 76
British Columbia 2 147 291 $449 21,022 1
California 3 194 383 $4,485 24,348 12
Colorado 2 230 230 $1,160 13,062 2
Delaware 2 89 176 $748 10,596 4
Florida 4 311 695 $69 45,197 4
Georgia 1 139 277 $1,444 17,467 8
Hawaii 1 41 82 $1,482 4,962 0
Indiana 1 59 118 $300 6,336 3
Kansas 1 99 97 $437 6,118 1
Kentucky 2 233 463 $1,806 27,051 11
Maryland 1 51 51 $57 2,982 0
Michigan 1 85 168 $585 11,219 0
Minnesota 1 64 128 $720 8,432 2
Mississippi 1 83 163 $400 8,622 4
Missouri 2 151 222 $1,214 12,780 2
New Jersey 1 33 66 $25 4,463 1
North Carolina 5 491 708 $3,845 41,659 18
Ohio 1 130 130 $315 10,721 1
Oklahoma 1 80 158 $180 9,517 0
Ontario 1 66 66 $0 4,449 0
Oregon 5 229 452 $1,099 26,798 17
Pennsylvania 1 77 120 $288 5,783 1
South Carolina 2 297 592 $3,704 37,190 14
Tennessee 3 188 260 $240 15,811 11
Texas 12 744 1,223 $7,942 81,139 27
Virginia 2 159 228 $230 13,364 1
Washington 1 76 149 $6,190 10,168 12
West Virginia 1 0 0 $0 0 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 116 232 $0 14,079 3
Canada 3 213 357 $449 25,471 1
Denmark 1 82 82 $0 5,515 0
Finland 1 67 67 $0 3,900 0
Italy 1 10 20 $0 1,349 0
Mexico 1 71 212 $2,400 15,016 5
New Zealand 1 59 172 $0 11,008 4
Sweden 2 90 130 $0 9,508 1
United Kingdom 1 61 121 $83 7,359 3
United States 61 4,702 8,049 $56,514 500,544 238