StatMando Monday

From Monday 2011-08-15 to Sunday 2011-08-21, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2011-08-15
(click to change weeks)
(2,138 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:35 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 45 546 1,443 $35,481 81,598 961
FPO 21 55 169 $2,991 10,931 846
MA1 39 463 1,244 $0 74,458 926
FA1 19 58 161 $0 11,017 794
MA2 39 509 1,341 $0 80,617 887
FA2 10 20 49 $0 3,699 717
MA3 19 119 293 $0 17,924 853
FA3 3 5 11 $0 930 674

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alaska 1 23 63 $285 3,382 0
Arizona 1 30 60 $1,300 5,310 2
California 1 26 47 $645 2,537 4
Colorado 1 61 122 $1,439 8,735 14
Florida 1 75 223 $1,030 12,767 13
Georgia 1 49 147 $620 9,006 4
Illinois 1 55 109 $486 6,262 8
Indiana 1 22 64 $338 3,591 2
Iowa 1 70 135 $750 7,852 6
Kentucky 1 25 75 $870 4,658 8
Maine 1 16 29 $110 1,597 1
Maryland 1 61 122 $805 7,445 5
Massachusetts 1 41 120 $234 7,062 8
Michigan 1 84 168 $1,418 11,226 9
Minnesota 1 11 32 $175 1,815 1
Missouri 2 82 201 $1,102 11,030 16
Nevada 1 26 76 $925 3,965 2
New York 1 55 108 $831 6,724 2
North Carolina 1 113 436 $1,975 23,532 25
Ohio 2 63 182 $836 10,655 10
Ontario 1 40 155 $1,195 8,844 9
Oregon 1 64 187 $1,815 11,280 21
Pennsylvania 2 141 281 $1,886 18,643 14
South Carolina 1 66 194 $928 10,477 7
Tennessee 1 127 252 $1,957 15,011 13
Texas 3 142 340 $2,559 23,349 15
Utah 1 69 203 $10,791 16,308 15
Virginia 1 31 124 $0 4,113 0
Washington 1 20 62 $615 3,469 4
Wisconsin 1 216 639 $8,658 36,464 21

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 9 35 $260 2,063 1
Canada 1 40 155 $1,195 8,844 9
Finland 1 36 107 $866 6,651 10
France 1 57 197 $865 12,970 7
Japan 1 45 192 $504 9,837 11
Norway 1 40 89 $859 5,701 4
Sweden 4 94 204 $313 11,527 5
United Kingdom 1 41 158 $2,241 9,308 15
United States 34 1,864 4,801 $45,383 288,265 250