StatMando Monday

From Monday 2021-04-19 to Sunday 2021-04-25, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2021-04-19
(click to change weeks)
(9,816 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:09 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 98 1,795 3,615 $135,232 212,485 947
FPO 34 135 303 $15,840 21,045 852
MP40 62 472 963 $33,547 58,751 931
MP50 29 156 331 $11,777 20,354 924
FP40 6 12 24 $671 1,843 795
FP50 1 1 2 $110 136 804
MP55 2 14 41 $1,620 2,965 916
FP55 1 1 2 $75 139 890
MP60 11 44 97 $3,656 6,027 899
FP60 1 1 2 $75 152 836
MP65 1 3 9 $440 571 917
MA1 95 1,883 3,817 $0 239,695 917
FA1 47 142 294 $0 21,695 806
MA2 94 2,034 3,819 $0 248,031 880
FA2 58 167 330 $0 25,870 750
MA3 85 1,733 3,174 $0 208,493 842
FA3 31 88 155 $0 12,571 684

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 176 263 $1,564 16,877 2
Arizona 1 29 29 $0 2,337 0
California 4 487 1,069 $13,186 80,488 43
Colorado 5 496 682 $908 42,230 4
Florida 3 304 819 $11,545 51,660 37
Georgia 2 256 510 $3,515 30,198 7
Idaho 2 192 492 $4,946 31,377 22
Illinois 5 401 787 $2,758 51,651 19
Indiana 1 92 179 $0 15,022 0
Iowa 2 164 327 $1,653 21,795 7
Kansas 7 585 706 $4,326 49,131 20
Kentucky 1 532 1,562 $19,995 90,554 71
Maine 1 86 168 $2,959 9,365 8
Maryland 2 141 279 $1,065 18,882 3
Massachusetts 7 527 804 $12,085 51,288 23
Michigan 4 281 552 $3,039 30,015 12
Minnesota 4 530 1,056 $10,765 66,531 28
Missouri 4 386 801 $35,988 46,876 147
Montana 1 84 168 $0 11,886 0
Nebraska 2 151 243 $1,801 19,500 0
Nevada 1 98 193 $2,950 13,076 5
New Brunswick 1 33 66 $400 4,338 0
New York 2 200 301 $1,670 19,923 1
North Carolina 7 546 1,121 $13,521 67,488 25
Ohio 2 222 440 $2,661 29,293 5
Oklahoma 1 108 318 $1,620 19,311 4
Oregon 5 344 581 $6,090 38,694 36
Pennsylvania 5 278 497 $3,299 34,468 8
Prince Edward Island 1 41 82 $200 5,951 0
South Carolina 1 66 190 $2,199 12,773 13
South Dakota 1 84 168 $1,515 10,540 2
Tennessee 1 79 142 $318 9,021 3
Texas 8 861 1,823 $17,535 117,356 36
Vermont 1 149 294 $1,336 17,622 1
Virginia 6 344 673 $5,602 44,731 16
Washington 2 229 454 $6,755 26,634 43
Wisconsin 2 143 206 $780 12,213 4

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 99 199 $1,232 17,693 1
Austria 1 71 142 $0 9,192 3
Canada 2 74 148 $600 10,289 0
Denmark 2 74 147 $121 10,228 0
Finland 1 65 129 $0 8,158 0
Lithuania 1 89 177 $795 12,748 0
Norway 1 40 78 $0 5,807 2
Serbia 1 20 37 $0 2,254 0
Sweden 5 194 269 $172 17,582 0
United Kingdom 3 122 240 $174 14,897 2
United States 105 9,651 18,897 $199,949 1,210,806 655