StatMando Monday

From Monday 2023-02-13 to Sunday 2023-02-19, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2023-02-13
(click to change weeks)
(7,425 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2023-02-26 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 91 1,282 2,315 $49,896 126,801 947
FPO 33 90 211 $3,368 13,765 858
MP40 46 298 621 $15,389 36,418 930
MP50 23 149 329 $8,635 20,860 908
FP40 4 16 52 $664 3,657 812
FP50 2 6 16 $48 1,278 763
MP55 2 2 4 $76 220 934
MP60 16 71 180 $5,001 11,093 899
FP60 3 5 13 $476 989 777
MP65 1 4 4 $88 305 889
MP70 2 3 8 $264 544 858
FP70 1 1 3 $105 282 672
MA1 93 1,227 2,044 $0 110,295 906
FA1 39 92 178 $0 10,587 779
MA2 83 1,165 1,969 $0 117,488 889
FA2 43 98 165 $0 11,564 745
MA3 86 1,517 2,530 $0 158,639 845
FA3 36 80 131 $0 9,759 707

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 125 259 $404 9,265 0
Arizona 3 192 173 $411 8,986 0
Arkansas 1 21 21 $30 1,916 0
British Columbia 2 130 260 $428 16,784 4
California 7 434 1,196 $33,985 76,002 106
Colorado 3 314 312 $1,059 18,085 10
Delaware 3 167 375 $1,302 15,090 1
Florida 4 731 1,562 $8,675 93,428 28
Georgia 6 301 378 $1,661 18,446 9
Indiana 1 86 172 $180 13,092 0
Kansas 3 222 364 $4,216 22,358 9
Kentucky 4 366 514 $2,261 33,069 7
Louisiana 1 77 154 $828 9,166 2
Maryland 2 118 184 $2,306 11,996 1
Michigan 4 197 377 $1,302 22,854 8
Minnesota 1 82 82 $625 4,966 2
Mississippi 1 92 181 $1,555 12,064 5
Missouri 2 101 101 $454 7,088 0
Nevada 1 70 138 $381 9,114 0
New York 2 79 155 $353 9,689 0
North Carolina 11 726 1,203 $2,006 65,292 15
Ohio 2 159 157 $726 10,355 2
Oklahoma 2 155 239 $1,051 14,521 3
Oregon 1 150 296 $4,457 17,875 24
Pennsylvania 1 69 137 $310 9,202 4
South Carolina 3 211 459 $2,124 29,266 19
Tennessee 5 384 579 $2,047 30,777 17
Texas 15 861 1,072 $5,471 70,084 17
Utah 2 235 503 $1,635 28,564 6
Virginia 2 68 134 $651 7,775 4
Washington 1 80 157 $1,116 10,257 6

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 37 73 $0 5,462 0
Cambodia 1 16 48 $0 2,831 6
Canada 2 130 260 $428 16,784 4
Croatia 1 35 69 $0 3,537 0
Denmark 1 84 163 $0 11,483 2
Estonia 1 261 767 $0 49,537 18
Finland 1 83 81 $0 4,699 1
France 1 44 88 $0 6,561 5
Japan 1 44 196 $0 9,863 16
Netherlands 1 57 110 $0 7,004 0
New Zealand 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Norway 1 66 66 $0 4,608 0
Sweden 3 183 254 $0 16,864 1
United States 96 6,873 11,634 $83,582 690,642 305