StatMando Monday

From Monday 2018-05-21 to Sunday 2018-05-27, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2018-05-21
(click to change weeks)
(5,958 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:57 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 84 1,474 3,616 $109,435 209,618 951
FPO 46 152 403 $10,945 26,828 857
MP40 52 429 1,076 $23,164 63,313 923
MP50 25 160 420 $10,200 24,957 916
FP40 10 22 58 $2,131 3,734 826
FP50 1 1 3 $165 223 803
MP55 5 7 16 $552 1,064 891
MP60 14 50 149 $3,874 9,593 875
MP65 1 1 3 $165 199 878
MP70 1 3 9 $100 713 835
MA1 77 1,086 2,455 $0 145,157 912
FA1 33 97 218 $0 15,601 789
MA2 69 1,090 2,355 $0 149,867 880
FA2 28 81 180 $0 12,945 753
MA3 65 782 1,686 $0 112,696 850
FA3 24 55 125 $0 10,211 718

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 3 202 659 $4,066 37,231 20
Alaska 1 66 132 $1,128 7,517 2
Arizona 2 82 212 $2,530 13,505 6
Arkansas 2 64 127 $319 7,567 1
British Columbia 1 14 28 $172 1,668 1
California 4 337 907 $41,880 56,837 139
Colorado 2 228 396 $250 20,935 7
Connecticut 1 64 190 $2,800 12,424 9
Florida 3 203 630 $3,786 37,692 11
Georgia 1 72 140 $1,388 8,267 3
Idaho 1 15 30 $0 1,664 1
Illinois 1 88 176 $493 11,105 5
Indiana 2 38 76 $725 4,789 0
Iowa 1 69 261 $0 15,634 3
Kansas 1 21 42 $0 2,428 0
Kentucky 2 145 288 $2,900 18,816 15
Louisiana 2 103 280 $15,932 14,762 19
Massachusetts 2 72 228 $287 13,460 3
Michigan 5 378 854 $4,372 54,946 19
Minnesota 3 164 329 $3,929 20,423 16
Missouri 3 127 220 $2,136 13,320 4
Nebraska 1 49 97 $503 5,751 4
New Brunswick 1 35 104 $400 6,583 0
New Hampshire 1 73 146 $693 9,127 4
New York 1 90 353 $2,196 23,762 18
North Carolina 3 242 750 $6,901 43,918 23
Ohio 2 136 266 $1,831 16,712 9
Oklahoma 1 54 106 $955 6,127 2
Ontario 2 171 171 $807 9,371 4
Pennsylvania 2 140 202 $820 12,996 5
South Dakota 1 40 80 $800 5,115 1
Tennessee 1 68 127 $1,488 8,229 4
Texas 8 499 928 $7,368 59,706 27
Utah 2 71 69 $121 4,240 2
Vermont 1 69 134 $982 8,805 0
Virginia 5 305 850 $16,229 49,172 107
Washington 1 122 362 $7,360 22,239 16
Wisconsin 3 178 427 $3,900 30,421 9

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Belgium 1 18 34 $0 2,180 3
Canada 4 220 303 $1,379 17,622 5
Czech Republic 1 78 254 $295 15,461 2
Estonia 4 177 406 $566 28,131 3
Finland 9 563 1,275 $7,062 86,166 36
Germany 1 58 192 $0 11,319 16
Japan 1 45 135 $1,342 10,102 16
Lithuania 1 36 72 $0 4,754 0
Netherlands 1 22 20 $0 1,612 0
Norway 2 118 229 $692 13,984 4
Sweden 5 292 577 $1,762 35,875 10
Switzerland 1 47 141 $0 6,007 11
United Kingdom 1 22 44 $0 2,715 0
United States 76 4,769 11,261 $147,633 690,214 534